Let's talk about Vegas Ba-By, Let's talk about you-and-me...

OK,I know this has been the topic of many threads, all of which petered out indecisively within a week or two, so I refuse to ressurect any of them. Yes, I’m talking about the International Straight Dope Message BoardCon 2000! We seem to be in the middle of an onslaught of SDMB get togethers, all of which(Well, almost, sorry Omni) have been incredible successes.

So when are we all going to get together? I think we should at least get the ball rolling here, even if we aren’t planning something for. Vegas has always been one of the more popular places IIRC, not to mention a great hub to fly into from anywhere and a great place to go, meeting or not. I think Chicago, while not on my list of desirable places to go, deserves some consideration out of respect for His Cecilness.

How about Labor Day Weekend? Most people should have three days right? That should be long enough for everyone to plan right? Whaddya think? I wouldn’t personally object to something sooner, but it would be nice if we could get as many people as possible.

“Don’t bother to pack your bags, Or your map.
We won’t need them where we’re goin’,
We’re goin’ where the wind is blowin’.”

Sounds good to me…unless someone else wants to whisk me off to a tropical isle.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

Well, since I’ve proven myself to be crazy enough to drive to Springfield for a gathering, hell yeah, I’ll fly to either Chicago or Vegas! Labor day should work for me too…hopefully I’ll have a better job by then to pay for the airfare!

Winner, SDMB’s Biggest Chat Addict

“Only two things that’ll soothe my soul - cold beer and remote control.”

Labor Day is a great idea Dem! Far enough in advance to give everyone time to get their stuff in order, and soon enough that its possible to book reservations and all that.

I guess, it being a holiday is the one thing that takes from it, the hotels will be packed! Oh well. Something will be found.

I vote for Vegas, because I am sure I would be able to share a ride with someone, or rent a car or something, so it would be very convienent for me. Plus, one trip to a black jack table, and I never have to work again.


Isn’t it going to be nasty hot in early Sept. in Vegas? Ick.

Unless we can we have the conference in the Hilton pool (don’t laugh, I have connections), I won’t be leaving the building.

How about that other Vegas-like gambling and debauchery capital that’s on a river - what’s it called? Laughlin? Wouldn’t it be cooler? Iagine spending the day tubing down the river! (Gambling gets very old, VERY fast, particularly when all my wads and wads of dough are at the cleaners…)

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”

Pat, good point about hotels being booked (I have Monterey hotel-booking nightmares still), but I don’t think Vegas ever runs short on hotel rooms.

Well, we wouldn’t be doing anything during the day besides laying around in the pool sipping daquiris. The nightlife is what it is all about. I’m not much of a gambler either Ty so I’d love an alternate excursion…

“Don’t bother to pack your bags, Or your map.
We won’t need them where we’re goin’,
We’re goin’ where the wind is blowin’.”

All right, you’re on! Tyler’s Tours ™ hits the road again! We’ll go exploring - there must be interesting, cool, historical or geographical type things to see and do out there - do they have museums?

Ooh! I happen to know there’s a Liberace Museum - the man bought two of my mother’s (handmade) porcelain reproduction dolls years ago, and told us that’s where they were going.

And there’s Hoover Dam. That’s some damned dam, all right, which I’d love to tour.

OOHH!!! We have to do this!!! Grand Canyon White Water Rafting Tour $24 apiece if we get 14 people… HELL of a bargain!

I’d kinda like to see the Cirque du Soleil (sp?) show too.

Other suggestions?

::Wondering why Monkey Wrench Gang keeps echoing in his head?::

“Don’t bother to pack your bags, Or your map.
We won’t need them where we’re goin’,
We’re goin’ where the wind is blowin’.”

I’m up for it! Of course with my track record for disasters interfering, my participation is now jinxed.

FWIW I was in Vegas about that time last year and it wasn’t too hot. You could spend days in the hotels and casinos just people watching and window shopping. I’m not much a gambler (video poker, closest I can get to Free Cell) but I had a blast noodling around on the $1 machines, watching the people and graciously accepting free drinks. It was a lot cheaper and better entertainment than many movies I’ve seen.

There are other things to do. There’s a beautiful park about 30 miles away; good trails, a nice nature center, a nifty little wildlife incubator. Sounds weird, but there’s an Ethel M. candy factory nearby that’s really neat. The neat part is the extensive desert garden they’ve built with reclamined water from the factory. (The chocolates were pretty good, too.)

Yeah, there’s museum, in a nice park with a lake and very friendly swans and ducks. The museum was closed for the holiday, but there was a Ren Fair in progress on the grounds. (We stayed upwind of the guys in full armour.)

Anyway, nongamblers would have NO trouble staying cool and entertained.

Sorry. Lapsed into wordiness again.


I’m up for it! I hope. I still consider myself to be a Starving College Student, so the idea of spending money just to have a good time is almost frightening to me, but by that time I expect to be firmly ensconsed in the Real World and might actually go through with it! As long as I can road trip with someone. Not gonna pay for airfare.


“Don’t Do It.”

Man, that would be, pardon the slang, dope.
I hope I get to meet some of you folks someday, that would kick ass.
Then, folks could see that I’m not that bad, I was just cursed with this lack of guile.
Anyway, if at all possible, let me know, I would like to be there.

how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”

I’m game. Labor Day works. Vegas is a definate yes. Of course, I will have to look up Tom Jones touring schedule. I never pass up a chance to toss my undies at that man!

This life is a test. It is only a test. If it had been an actual life, you would have received further instructions on where to go and what to do.

I would love to go to Vegas, Labor Day sounds great. Go for it. For the ones of us that have never been it won’t take much to entertain us, we haven’t seen any of it.

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

I am so there. Southern California is in driving distance to Las Vegas, right? I mean, like within eight hours of driving or so.

I want to see Star Trek: The Experience, and Cirque du Soleil. I’ll play maybe one slot machine, and then watch everyone else lose their money.

Count me in…I think with that much advance notice I could probably manage it! I am also completely uninterested in the gambling aspect, but the whole Elvis/Liberace shrine idea sounds great!

The entertainment sounds great to me, as long as we stay far away from the Elvis wedding chappel. Last time I time I was near the place, I ended up married to a marine I had just met!

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

I just knew you were a Tom Jones 'ho! :wink: It would be quite a hoot to see the guy… does he play there all the time? If he’s not available, there’s always Wayne Newton.

Oh, you little slut-puppy, you! I’m sure we can form a protective ring around you, to prevent you from doing anything rash. That being said, I’d just like to mention one of my favorite sayings:

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. --Katharine Hepburn

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”

I’m up for Vegas, but I refuse to fly. Don’t give me statistics, don’t give me cheerful convincing speeches. My head is in the clouds enough… my feet belong as close to the ground as possible. Anyone care to share a REALLY long drive with me?

“I like toast.” :slight_smile:

I won’t be able to make it :frowning:

I have no money to live on, let alone travel to the other side of the world on.

Maybe next year…

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

So is it Vegas?

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!