Television exploitation of 9/11

OK, Television is clearly past the deer in the headlights approach to 9-11. Anyone catch the latest preview for the Agency. It basically says that the first episode of the show was pulled because of respect to the attacks. It goes on to say that the show has never been aired…UNTIL NOW! Now I realize that this show has been screwed over by the attacks (explosions, Bin Laden, Anthrax), but to mention the attacks in an effort to promote viewership is pretty off (I don’t know why I feel the West Wing episode was different, but I do).

I have also seen several commercials using it. The Keep America Rolling ads sit wrong with me. I know we have to promote the economy, but it seems ghoulish. Peter Lynch has been blasted around here already.

The worst I have seen was a life insurance company that has a young woman talking about raising her children without any money because her husband has just died. Now, this commercial was probably filmed BEFORE 9-11 and just seems more ghoulish as a result (of course it woulda been pretty sick even before), but I keep picturing Lisa Beamerlooking out the window at her kids. I’m sure I am overreacting, but I do believe Hollywood and Madison Avenue is sticking their toes in the water.

Have you seen the Jon Stuart Daily Show on Comedy Central?

It’s mock news, and they have been imitating the hype of the other channels. It’s fabulous.