Is that even the right word for it? Where you carry your stuff in and out and pitch a tent.
I’m not exactly Ms. Outdoorswoman. The last time I went hiking was the first time I’d done so since Girl Scouts, and we so underestimated the time it would take that there was a park ranger waiting for us when we got back to the car. They had actually called my mom (who luckily was yammering on the phone to her sister, otherwise she’d have been there waiting with the ranger I bet!) and were about to come looking for us. (Which is why you register at the trailhead, because actually one of us had fallen pretty badly, although luckily sustained no injuries.)
But my boyfriend, he misses camping. He’s only done the car kind, but he wants to do the backpack kind. I did a little poking around online and I’m seeing “trailside campsites” at our state parks (including the one with Mr. Friendly Ranger, who I have got to tell you is the face I have in my life been most happy to see) - is that what we’re looking for?
So, what I want to know is - what are some good resources to find good places to go and good information on doing this? Personally I’m advocating for starting small and close to the road, but Himself wants to go pioneer out in the woods. I assume there are rules on this? Do some state parks just let you go wherever, or do you have to have a campsite? What about fires? Obviously this is going to vary locally, but are there general tendancies?
Is this even possible for me? To me, camping is something you do with the Girl Scouts where we put up six man tents and make hobo pockets and S’mores. What kind of food can we take if we’re carrying it on our backs? I don’t know if I can even carry this stuff - I’m serious when I say we almost didn’t make it out of that “easy one day hike” several years ago, and I’m even more out of shape now! That was in college! How does this even work? I’m thinking once I’m hauling half a tent and a sleeping bag that’s pretty much it for me, you know? How much can I expect to be able to carry?
There are obvious safety concerns - clearly, we’d tell people where we’re going and when to expect us back, we wouldn’t burn down the forest, you step onto a log and then over, etc. Is there anything that isn’t obvious that we’d need to look out for?
In other words, I need a) a backpacking primer, and b) somebody to convince me that this isn’t a really stupid idea. I mean, I have a nice comfortable house. It has trees and plants and even aminals, you know?