Tell me about Huntsville, AL

Looking forward to having ya as a neighbour SCR4.

Ignore the Birmingham people they are just pissed Huntsville has lots of the same things to offer without the people and the smog. :slight_smile:

IMax at the US space and rocket center. Nice botanical gardens, and a nice downtown to wander.

The only real reason to ever go to birmingham is the zoo, and of course the handful of nice people who live there.


Thanks Osip.

OK so there is a downtown - good. :wink: The one time I was there I was too busy to look for it. (I was there on business - 14 straight days of 12-hour night shifts.)

scr4, let me know when you get to Alabama! I’m in Tuscaloosa, but I’m willing to put something together for a new Bamadoper.