Tell me what I’m missing about Beckett

I just don’t get Samuel Beckett.

I’ve seen some of his plays, I’ve read about him.

I just don’t get the acclaim.

I walked out of Endgame at the intermission. It was boring.

Why is he so highly revered?

How do you feel about existentialism in general?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you dearly wished something, anything would happen but got nothing ?

Extrapolate to your whole life. Pointlessness is the point.

It has never had any relevance to me.

How sad.

Somebody owes me A LOT of money.

If that’s how you feel, then Beckett is not for you, basically.

Personally, I find his plays extremely cathartic.

It depends on how you see it. It can be a relief in a way. Just letting go of all illusions.

Besides, not all art has to be happy.