Tell me you're a man without telling me you're a man

I’m with you guys

I have no idea what that means, but I’ll pretend like I do rather than ask.

…and fitted sheets.

Any of you guys ever found the butter in the fridge?
Or asked for directions?:wink:

I used to go to the airport just to watch the planes.

I’ll have another beer. Just so that somebody can hold it if the need arises. And pass me the remote control while you are at it.

Yes, and I’ve changed diapers and played with little children and vacuumed and made dinner for the family and taken care of sick family members and washed and put away other people’s laundry and eaten frosting from the tub and baked someone’s birthday cake and been afraid of guys on dark streets, too!

Yep. It has to be three - 2 isn’t enough to be sure, and 4 is just showing off.

When I hang out with my kid, people think I’m babysitting. It gets me lots of kudos, too.

Hope you washed the tub before use. :smile:

Whatdoyoumean, manspreading? That is the natural position of my legs when sitting! Pointing where? No way! Look! No, don’t look, I mean… oh shit.

You working hard or hardly working?

I don’t give a shit about emotions.

It is not cold. And turn the heating off, it’s wasting money.

There’s another gas station in 30 miles. Stop worrying about it.

I only need one product to wash with in the shower it’s called a bar of soap

I was listening!

This guy on the radio is making a really good point about Sandy Koufax.

Well, there’s your problem…

Huh, I never knew that these were considered male stereotypes; they’re a routine part of life for (female) me.

(I also enjoy going to the movies by myself, but have never known a guy who didn’t consider that doing so would be unacceptably loser-esque behavior on his part.)