Tell us an interesting random fact you stumbled across

Canada sort of qualifies though… up until the 1920s, the originally-British-colonized parts of Canada drove on the left!

This included the Maritime Provinces and BC. Quebec had been colonized by the French and had always driven on the right. (Ontario started off as part of Quebec — the pays d’en haut or “upper country” — so it always drove on the right. The Prairies were colonized mostly from the east, Ontario and Quebec, so they drove on the right too.

Newfoundland was a separate British colony, not part of Canada, until after the Second World War, and it drove on the left until the late 1940s.

Slime molds are the coolest thing. I had one appear in a terrarium once. The whole life cycle on a pane of glass. I love them. They are unfortunately named.

Cool beans. Sorry I missed it.

The movie 'This is Spinal Tap is the only film on IMDB which is rated, not out of 10, but out of 11:

This reminds of something I believe I read in David Reuben’s mostly forgotten 1969 bestseller Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex ( but were afraid to ask) . One of the questions on menstruation was “What do gorillas and other apes do? Do they just drip?”, to which the answer was, of course, “yes”.

I hadn’t realized that there was a movement to do the same with people, but I can easily believe it, especially in the wake of Toxic Shock Syndrome. But you’d think that people would take to the use of absorbent pads further down on the thighs, or something, just to minimize the mess.

I just want to point out that calling it a mess is a human/marketing construct that has come out of “civilization” for a naturally occurring phenomenon.

But, to your point, 60 years ago pads where huge, awkward things to wear and keep in place. Messes still happened regularly for those who put their faith in the power of bulky pads that wouldn’t stay in place.

When I first heard about Free Bleeding, it was actually in a video of someone promoting a brand of “period-proof panties,” which apparently perform the same job as a tampon or pad, only without the discomfort. There are online stores to purchase this type of product, and they claim to be 100% leakproof.

'“Yowzah! Yowzah! Yowzah!” was not coined for the disco hit “Dance! Dance! Dance!,” nor from the 1969 movie “They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?,” but by radio personality Ben Bernie (1891-1943).

My wife says offers more possibilities and is easier to navigate. You also get forecasts. I will not argue with my wife.

Only if the female gorilla did not get inseminated, something the silverback would do his utmost to achieve. That is the point of keeping a harem and fighting the other males off, is it not?
The way to not use any feminine hygiene products (an awful euphemism IMO) is getting pregnant with the first ovulation after each birth. I think I know a radical catholic that seems to apply this method.

When I get fruit juices all over my hands from ravenously eating fruit, and it’s all sticky and tends to pick up dirt, you can call it a “human/marketing construct” rather than “a mess” if you want, but I’m going to go clean it off, whether with a wet paper towel or washing it in a stream.

Yeah, I’m fairly certain everyone knows it’s windy.

I just found out out what brussel sprouts planst look like when growing. They are weird.

This, like not knowing that “The Great White Way” was Broadway, reminds me of how many common expressions are passing out of the language. I’m outliving them.

And that reminds me that we are the first Americans experiencing a time where no one has lived through half of the total lifetime of the country.

America is 232 years old. No American is officially 116 years old.

I’m not sure of when exactly this became true. I think Delphine Gibson, who died at 114 years, 265 days on May 9, 2018, was the last. Some of the half dozen at 113 and older may yet live to achieve that, but even the oldest, Thelma Sutcliffe, would have to go from 115 now to 118 in 2024 to make that happen. Possible, but the odds are against it.

Those billionaires are seeking immortality to revive that tradition. I doubt they will achieve it, but if they make it to 2135 or so, they will have lived through half of the lifetime of the country again.
Assuming the USA still exists by then, of course.

And delicious, roasted right on the stalk.

The supermarkets here were selling Brussel sprouts on the stalk before Thanksgiving. I’m guessing the whole stalk looks cool on the dinner table.

Yeah it probably would look pretty awesome.

I find I have to slice the sprouts in half to get the right balance of crsipy on the outside , and that balance between undercooked or too mushy in the middle.Probably only something to be contemplated by those who is are fully confident in their sprout cooking skills.

Cashews are surprising as well. And I always thought pineapples were high in a tree.

Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale, collard greens, Savoy cabbage, and kohlrabi are all cultivars of the same species Brassica oleracea.