Is there an equivalent of Windows Telnet on Mac OS 8 or 9 (sorry, not sure which)
How would one go about getting to it? What is the basic command to open a connection?
Is there an equivalent of Windows Telnet on Mac OS 8 or 9 (sorry, not sure which)
How would one go about getting to it? What is the basic command to open a connection?
NCSA TelNet for Mac 3.0a20 is available from Never used it, though.
In Mac OS X, you just fire up Terminal and type “telnet.”
I thought NCSA telnet got dropped in favor of Better Telnet. What the heck, it’s free.
When I had telnet access to my university account, I used BetterTelnet. It’s based on NSCA Telnet, which was a darn fine app to begin with.
You can download it here:
I’m not sure if it works on OS 8, because I ran it on my iMac, which has OS 9. OS versions before OS X lacked the Terminal feature Kirkland 1244 spoke of (which makes sense as OS X is the first Unix-based Mac OS).