I’ve searched but cannot find on the 'Net a template for a Federal civil lawsuit under Title 42 and Chapter 13, violation of civil rights, conspiracy against rights, and deprivation of rights under color of law.
And is there a time limitation for filing such a civil suit?
Your local federal court has a pro se office, i.e. somebody whose job it is to help unrepresented parties. Go ask that person.
Yes there’s a time limit, so go ask right away. Better yet, talk to a lawyer right away. Because if a case is worth bringing in federal court, it’s worth hiring a lawyer.
Note that for some federal rights cases the statue of limitations is short, short, short – like a few months. I have no idea whether you case is something for which this is true, nor do I want to know. But it’s not a good idea to dilly-dally.
At any rate, 42 U.S.C. is a big statute that includes a lot of civil rights. For some claims you must pursue administrative remedies first; for others not. And as Cliffy has pointed out, some have very short fuses.
If you think you have a civil rights case, you should talk to a lawyer about it NOW. I am not your lawyer; you are not my client. This is not legal advice. For specific advice about your legal questions, talk to a lawyer who is licensed in your state.