tendons, ligaments and sports

This quote come from this link:

"Bosco (1982a) cautions against the indiscriminate use of resistance
training that typifies much of the ‘cross training’ prescribed with weights
and circuits by Western personal trainers and coaches. He emphasizes that,
although heavy resistance training serves as a powerful stimulus for the
development and hypertrophy of both [slow twitch] ST and [fast] FT fibres, the invaluable role played by FT development can be impaired by the accompanying growth of ST fibres, because the latter appear to provoke a damping effect on FT
contraction during fast movement.

This is due to the fact that, during high speed shortening of muscle, the
sliding velocity of ST fibres can be too slow and therefore, may exert a
significant damping effect on the overall muscle contraction. He concludes
that the central role played by the storage and release of elastic energy
by the connective tissues of the muscle complex should never be ignored in
sport specific training programmes."

My question is just about the last sentence. In what way does this elastic engergy work and how do you improve it? I don’t think these tissues contract, do they?

[Note: I had previously posted this by mistake as a reply in another thread.]

The last sentence doesnt seem to relate to the sentence before it. Not directly anyway. It’s hard to tell what the hell he means because it doesnt go into enough detail.

I agree, but he seems to say that training for ligament and tendon strength (or flexibility, or something) is important for power in sports. I’m wondering what that means since I don’t know how tendons become stronger (or whatever characteristic, unlike muscles where I bascially understand the process of strenghand flexibility training.