Tennessee Republican Campaigns on Eugenics Platform

Grant, I also grew up in the 8th District – about in the middle. Run for your life! :wink:

Fortunately, West Tennessee usually is much more Democratic than East Tennessee (which can be blamed for the Scopes trial). It tends to be loyal to Democratic incumbents. Although this clown won the primary, there is little chance that he will win the election.

But please make you your mind if you want us or not. We tried to leave once and you wouldn’t let us. No more flip-flopping on the issues!

No, he is from Dresden which is near The Kingdom of Skullbonia:


  1. This would make the people who voted for him look better how?
  2. This was a PRIMARY. How the hell do you vote a straight republican ticket on a PRIMARY ballot? You’re only running against other republicans!
  1. You generally trust that your party will not allow stupid fuck-ups like this to happen.

  2. They made a choice for the other ones and just checked yes next to that guys name, seeing as he was the only one, not thinking that it really meant any thing or would hurt anything.

Right. Remember that the opposing candidate was a write-in.

I’m just wondering who the conservative wing here would offer us as the current Democratic versions of James Hart and David Duke. Actually, I’d be happy with an honest explanation from them of why the GOP seems to be attractive to these characters. Any takers?

Come on Elvis, you don’t need the right wing to tell you how dumb this argument is.

All one need do is say “Al Sharpton”.

I don’t think the GOP has invited anyone in Al’s league to address their convention. At least not recently.

And if you want to cite Democrats widely hailed as batshit crazy and criminal, you can start with (former)* Congressman James Traficant.

Let’s face it, all sorts of loonies and racists have been attracted to both parties. There was even the head of some Klan kleagle-bin who ran for Democratic office awhile back (not Robert Byrd - someone will have to help me out here).

*At least for now…I hear he’s been stockpiling campaign signs and literature in his cell.

You’re forgetting Lyndon LaRouche as mentioned by Mr. Moto earlier in this thread.

Larouche is crazy and inaccountable, we can all agree. Sharpton is still an asshole, but even if he’s toned his act down, he still has no measurable following. Neither is an ideological racist and hatemonger comparable to Duke and Hart, and neither has ever won an election or even been out of the statistical noise. Duke and now Hart have been the top choice of the Republican voters when they’ve run.

Traficant consistently voted with the Republicans. He belongs on *their * list. He was more a fool than crazy, and certainly a criminal.

If Sharpton had no measurable following, it would have been no sweat to disinvite him to speak at the convention.

Too bad no Democrat had the necessary organs to do that.

The way the polls are going, the same can be said about George Bush.

This just in:

Republicans Nominate Chronic Jailbird for Washington State Office

I think I am beginning to see a pattern here. But is it sapient political acumen, or just incompetence?

Certainly a nutjob, but unless he also has an arrest for killing a hobo or something, he doesn’t seem too dangerous to me.

I never said he was dangerous, but if you approve of this nomination, hey, it’s fine by me too. Nice to see the Party of Lincoln setting the bar so high. :smiley:

Come on, let’s not play this. I believe the Democrats have a ‘colorful’ character or two in office around the country… :smiley:

Allow me to dredge up the story of another nutty TN politician: Byron “Low Tax” Looper. Looper, a Republican, murdered his opponent in the race for state assembly. Lest you think that Looper’s opponent was completely of sound mind, I’ll quote the kinds of things his opponent did

Bizarre political stunt in San Francisco. I’ve always believed politicians were dead from the neck up. This idiot decided to prove it.

Why did he do it?

He’s already been interviewed by the FBI about this, and they’re considering filing charges against him.

How about listing your favorite examples, then? Remember, the topic is who the Dems have who compares to Duke and Hart.

Again, Hart didn’t falsely accuse a man of rape, and smear his name for years. After being found guilty of defamation, Hart didn’t pointedly refuse to pay that man damages.

Hart didn’t cause a race riot with heated speeches, in which people died.

All of which, by the way, Al Sharpton did indeed do. Yet he was invited to speek to the Democratic National Convention after doing these things. Hart won’t be addressing any kind of Republican convention at any time, I can guarantee that.

Yes, Sharpton’s an ass. Hart won the GOP nomination for that office. The GOP *nominated * Duke as well. Sharpton has never come within dreaming distance of winning jack shit.

I’ll swap you Sharpton’s convention speech for Pat Buchanan’s - how about that?