Terms That Drive Democrats Up The Wall

I used that in a thread title. I don’t think of it as derogative, it’s simply a shorter way of saying “Republicans”. I had a longish thread title in mind and that was one way to chop out a few characters…what exactly about it is so annoying? What are you reading into it?
“Shrub” I get because it is inherently disrespectful to refer to someone as a plant. Especially when their intellignece is only marginally superior to that of a plant. :smiley: (Oh, it’s a fucking joke, chill out)

Never bothered me. I am a big Clinton fan, warts and all, but there’s no question he was pretty frickin’ slick, so “Slick Willie” is a fairly accurate sobriquet.

I can’t think of anything similar to your examples that pisses me off. Life is too short to waste my anger on getting ticked about some casual, low-level jibes. I save my anger for things of substance and weight that actually may impact my country and the planet as a whole.

the one that bothered me most was “Traitor”.

As a moderate, I’m actually quite happy that people on either side use ‘Shrub’, ‘liberal media’, etc., since it’s a pretty good sign that I can skip ahead and not miss anything particularly informative.

It’s a real time-saver. Thanks.

One word:


“Well at least he did not get a BJ”



As with wring, “traitor” does a pretty good job of pushing my button. So does “anti-American”.

To say I’m “stupid”, or “You haven’t thought things through”, or even “You’re full of shit” are fairly valid elements of political discourse, but to imply or flat out state that I am against my country simply because I disagree with the President is beyond the pale.

I do dislike playing with names. Ronald Ray-gun, Bill Clin-ton, Shrub, and so on all grate on my nerves. And I’m old enough to remember this one: Don’t change dicks in the middle of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72!

I’m pretty moderate, and I’m one of those people who can be conservative or liberal depending on the issue, but usually lean liberal to moderate.

I think the only time I ever get pissed off with that sort of thing is when someone says, “Oh, you’re just a liberal” to mean, “I have a closed mind and I’m not going to listen to what you say.”

Rush Limbaugh is famous for that.

I find it amusing that some of the biggest things that irritate those that’ve been kind enough to share here are actually factual. Such as “throwing money at the problem”, “the definition of is”, “left-leaning”, “the media is left of center”. So, it isn’t ugly name-calling that galls the most, but rather things that are real within us but not pleasant.

BTW, I don’t mean this as a dig at the left; I’m sure this goes for both sides. And I don’t mean it as a dig at those who posted, rather just an amusing observation.

For me, I also don’t even read past the word “shrub”, as those that post as such have made clear their lack of priority for facts and rationality. And I try to never take myself to that level either.

How about, “why won’t you just admit you’re a liberal?”

Yeah, it’s not words that annoys me, it’s the utter inability of most right-wingers to argue coherently, understand what is being said to them, back up their prejudices with actual evidence, consider alternative points of view, or even read more than one in ten words in the average thread.

“Big government”. I don’t care how damn big it is, just so long as it is slave to the people, rather than the wrong way round.

Which people?

Giant sentient squid people?

WTF? Factual? Can you provide a link to an example of politicians actually tossing currency at people?
As I pointed out in another post, calling a government program “throwing money at a problem” is a value judgement.

Yeah, hearing someone (for instance, a certain radio commentator now entering drug rehab) referring to the Democrat Party, as though he’s scared that someone will link the party name with the practice of democracy, is a sure signal of a mind locked and bolted against perilous new ideas…or somebody who wants to be mildly irritating in a mindless way.

“Pubbies” is a close second.

Originally posted by Stoid *

Yeah, like bans on lap dancing in L.A. :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, and using “impact” as a verb. That’s annoying.

“Slick Willy” was an appropriate nickname for Clinton. It referred to his personality. It wasn’t unnessesarily insulting. Both his friends and foes could use it to refer to him.

“Dubya” is an appropriate nickname for Bush. It isn’t that insulting. His foes can use it to mean he’s dumb. His supporters think of it as his texas style of speech and action and his black and white morality.

However, this wan’t enough for the rabid Bush hating crowd, and now we have “shrub”. It’s actually a good thing, because like others have already said, it gives away when someone is so radically anti-Bush that they aren’t worth lissening to.

Oh, and Death Tax!

Always seems to get the liberal crowd in a tizzy.

Speaking of it, Liberal itself springs to mind. The political way of thinking that doubles as an insult!

So, you actually think a big government will ever be a slave to the people?

Excuse me while I laugh uproariously.

A bit of a hijack, but what the heck…

My wife is a rabid Red Sox fan, and often refers to the New York Yankees as the “New York Stinkies”. My response is: “Why not just go all the way and call them the ‘Poopyheads’, which is just about as mature…”

I honestly wasn’t aware that anyone took offence at things like 'pubbies or Shrub (though I prefer Dubya). Perhaps it’s my nationality, but I just don’t treat any politician with such reverence. I mean, it’s just a nickname. Same with the parties - they’re the Dems and the Pubbies. Just shorthand.

When I decide someone isn’t worth listening to is when they start misrepresenting ideas.

Number one on that list is ‘big government.’ This is completely idiotic - conservatives favour big government just as much as liberals, they just prefer their government big in different areas - cons like farm subsidies and corporate welfare, libs like health and education welfare (I tend to ignore libertarians - the hardcore ones are nuts and the weak ones are closet republicans*).

Other silly things spouted by the conservatives are ‘liberal media’ and ‘basket weavers/latte sippers/elites,’ somehow implying that the left wing machine is out of touch with people while the right wing machine is made up of every day blokes.

Again, I can’t understand how people could take offence at Shrub. I don’t even see how it’s offensive. I could understand conservatives disliking being characterised as hicks or racists or selfish fatcats, but y’all just seem to get worked up about a nickname.

*gross generalisation