Terrorist scum, FUCK OFF!

I would kick the shit out of Scrappy Doo. Irritaiting little fuck!

Is OP painting with too broad a brush? I’m sure most white Americans will be happy to condemn Muslim scum, even while terrorism is but a glimmer in their heathen eyes, but …

Timothy McVeigh? What he did was not entirely unreasonable.
Joe Arpaio? The criminals he terrorized were ethnics; some probably voting illegally. Dear Leader has proudly released this hero from prison and he is now destined for high office.
Andrew Jackson? I suppose you anti-terrorist liberals would rather speak Cherokee than English.
Benjamin Netanyahu? Striking fear in Muslim scum is the only way they can learn.

The list goes on. No, I think OP needs to modify his complaint before most patriotic Americans can endorse it.

Better than a wide stance.

I’d hold him down for you, and there’s not a court in the land that’d jail us for it.

As for the OP, I find myself in moderate agreement. I think terrorism generally is to be eschewed, something of a bete noir.

As Father Ted and Dougal would strongly state

I’m sure the large number of terrorists who regularly monitor this board are, er, somewhat nonplussed by the above.


No, it is the bad kind of puppy.

Oh, I dunno.

Those suicide bomb belts can be slimming.

While I generally support the intentions of the OP (as does, I suspect, the snarkers in this thread), I would note that terrorists often see themselves as fighting for a ‘noble’ cause with the only weapons they have. Which doesn’t mean they’re right, it means there is a reason for what they do.

I would further note that certain acts of terrorism are still hailed by some nations and people (Boston Tea Party, King David Hotel Bombing, various IRA/Basque attacks).

But as a general rule, killing people who are not directly trying to harm you is frowned upon by most civilized people.

But the devil is in the details…

IMHO as always. YMMV.

Can’t wait to come back tomorrow to see the OP’s next bold stance of liking pizza.

If you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen, haters!

No. Please. Don’t.

The OP would struggle to achieve an Aceplace level of sophistication. We should walk away.

Oh thank GOD for this thread! You know, I had nearly forgotten about that whole 9/11 thing? All remembering 9/11 does is make me feel ashamed to be an American. We were the school bully who ended up getting a bloody nose, and so we came back and swept the playground with a machine gun to even the score. Shit, we’re STILL shooting 17 years on, and long after the kid that socked us got blasted and dumped in the ocean.

Yeah yeah, fuck terrorists. That’s easy and fully supportable. But let’s not forget who makes terrorists in the first place.

That showed 'em, huh?

While we’re at it, fuck all the foolish things we’ve done out of fear of terrorism. The TSA is at the top of my list.

You can’t ‘identify’ your way out of your chromosomes, and words mean things.

Put it this way: I’m anorexic; I identify as morbidly obese. Or, try this one: I’m schizophrenic; I identify as George Washington. See the problem? Just because you ‘identify’ a certain way doesn’t make it real.

One more article on that subject: https://bugbrennan.com/2014/09/16/what-you-dont-define-you-cant-control/

Oh, and one last point: Suppose a non-op transwoman has sex with a non-op transman. This results in a pregnancy being conceived. Who made who pregnant? Hint: Bearing pregnancies to term is what females do. Siring pregnancies is what males do. This is all basic seventh-grade biology.

ETA: I agree that we should respect someone’s name and pronouns. I also agree that gender identity should be protected under anti-discrimination laws. Just don’t deny biology, don’t confuse sex with gender, and stop demanding that people change their sexual / romantic boundaries to accommodate you. Then we should all get along just fine.

Yanno, right now I really feel for Una. I’ve only seen this simplistic and ill-informed argument a few dozen times or so and I want to bash my head on the desk - imagine seeing and attempting to address it hundreds and hundreds of times as she has. Makes you weep, really.

Anyway: terrorists are bad. The best way to fight terrorism is not to be afraid.*

  • Unless Al Qaeda goes and releases a big bag of spiders on the subway while I’m on it in which case I surrender immediately.

Dude! Why would you even put that out there? The hell is wrong with you?


So you are bragging about not having any moral standards? I look forward to your thoughts on why we need to tolerate the sick and twisted practice of child sexual abuse.

Best description of the American response to 9/11 ever.

It’s pretty obvious your views are based on ‘basic seventh-grade biology’. Reality is somewhat more complicated than you learnt as a thirteen year old.

Anti-fascists are not terrorists.

Anorexia, Bulimia, and other Eating Disorders are not the exclusive purview of the bone-thin. A person being both morbidly obese (whatever that means) and anorexic is not as contradictory as you think.

Male seahorses carry infant sea horses to term, and I learned that way before 7th grade biology.

Proof of evolution, ‘cause Jesus’ dad would never do something so ‘sick and twisted’!

CMC fnord!