Terrorist scum, FUCK OFF!

Oh hey, derekmichaels00, welcome back!

A moment’s consideration shows how utterly idiotic, inconsistent and bigoted this position is.

Do you deny the objective reality of all mental states? Given the current state of neuroscience, what physical evidence is there that you are, for example, happy or sad? Sure, you might sometimes lie about whether you are happy, but that doesn’t mean that happiness isn’t a real state, with an ultimate physical basis in the firing pattern of neurons.

So you, like everyone, do believe that mental states do have objective reality. And you have no scientific basis for asserting that everyone is cis, that the correlation between gender identity and physical sexual characteristics is 100%. You are essentially just accusing all trans people of lying about their mental state.

fact is that its bc of Muslim jihad that governments all around the world spend billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man-hours fighting. Not the case with muh KKK, white nationalists, etc.

So you’re basically saying that if one cares what genitals a sexual partner has, he’s “bigoted?”

This is why people are engaging in #WalkAway

No, I’m not basically saying that. Nor do I think that same sex marriage rights means forcing everyone to get same sex married. But it’s a fairly easy call now that you fall in to the bigoted transphobe camp along with Mumblepants. Thanks for letting us know.

If this world was really fair, Comrade HamptonsLax’s pants would spontaneously light on fire right after posting a steaming pile of bullshit that big. Sadly, it is not.

It is kind of bold. I don’t know about Mumber, but most of us on the Dope are in a country founded by terrorists…er noble revolutionaries.

No it isn’t, because that’s a fake astroturf movement.

Also, if you’re so worried about being fooled by a transgender person, what’s up with that? I thought gender was immutable? So how can you be confused about whether a person is a man or a woman? Shouldn’t you be able to tell instantly?

Also, what are the acts of terrorism that antifa has committed? How many people have they killed?

Also, last night I had sex with my wife. But she didn’t get pregnant, because I am biologically incapable of fathering a child. So would it be fair to say that I’m not really a man?

Reminds me of the cartoon about suicide bombers’ training camp. The instruction tells the class: *Now watch closely, because I"m only going to demonstrate this once. *

I don’t know… there may be more than one transphobic bigoted asshole in this world. But it’s certainly possible.

What would be real astrotuf? :wink:

The only real AstroTurf©, is AstroTurf© branded synthetic turf. There may be other brands of synthetic turf, but they’re fake AstroTurf©, not real AstroTurf©.

Walk Away is a phony trope set up by the right.

Escalated projection. So many of them are running away, they want folks on the other side to walk away.

Well, one problem with a robust hatred of all kinds of terrorism is that terrorism has subjective definitions.

Myanmar calls anyone expressing sympathy for the Rohingya “terrorist.”

China calls a woman defacing a poster “terrorist.”

In the United States, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act defines any action that causes an animal-exploiting corporation to claim it might lose money “terrorist,” including explicitly defining speech formerly protected by the First Amendment as “intimidation” and allowing it to be used to establish conspiracy.

If I urge you not to eat red meat, even if I am a medical professional, I can be prosecuted in America as a terrorist – this is the intent of the law, not merely an exaggeration of possible consequences.

Still against all “terrorism?”

Yanno what’s so fucking precious about this post? Old Riemann lectures me about respecting identities, then he turns around and rips me as ‘Mumblepants’, of all things. Hypocritical much? Damn.

You could try not being stupid. I mean, worth a shot.

Also, your sig is factually incorrect. And stupid.

It identifies as accurate. Deal with it or be a bigot. :smiley:

Besides, it’s just true. There’s a whole world that exists outside your mind. Try encountering it sometime. I think you’ll be surprised at what you’ll find.

Quick reminder: we’re the ones who push the facts about transgenderism. You’re the one who denies reality.

And fuck off with trying to pretend that calling you a rude name is anything at all like your attempts to cause gender dysphoria and harm trans people.

Garbage people don’t get to demand we treat them with respect.

Have a nice life, unless you’ve made other plans.