I saw Terry Bradshaw appear as a guest on Jay Leno’s show; Bradshaw appeared to be whacked out of his gourd.
Did anyone else see this? Was he drugged up? Or was it an act designed to get attention to his Nutrisystem gig?
What was that?
I saw Terry Bradshaw appear as a guest on Jay Leno’s show; Bradshaw appeared to be whacked out of his gourd.
Did anyone else see this? Was he drugged up? Or was it an act designed to get attention to his Nutrisystem gig?
What was that?
I didn’t see him on the Tonight Show, but he has neurological problems related to concussions. Here’s a thread where it was discussed earlier this year.
I saw that show and I didn’t see any difference from how he always is, especially with Jay. I will admit that their verbal sparring was starting to get a little over the top but that’s their schtick when they’re together.
I saw it as well, and nothing stood out to me as any different than his schtick with Jay.
What seemed whacked out?
He was tweaking out, twitchy and throwing his arms around, very fast speaking with few breaks, repeatedly told Jay with a hostile tone “Why are you touching me!”.
I just read that thread, and the discussion led me to see how many concussions Troy Aikman suffered during his NFL career. (standard wikipedia disclaimer) Three in his final season, for a career total of TEN. Bradshaw “only” had six.
The latest he seems to have been on was the 12/23/2011, so here’s a clip for others to watch. My impression was that “don’t touch me” was part of the joke. The rest is pretty much how he always acts on the show, so if he’s tweaked, then he’s always been tweaking for these bits.
Although I might be in the minority on this board, I love the Leno show and watch it all the time.
That said, Terry Bradshaw is one of the most boring guests Leno ever has, and yet he is the “go to guy” whenever a guest cancels or Jay needs someone to show up at the last minute. They seem to be good buddies and Terry is sort of Jay’s occasional Ed McMahon - the straight guy to bounce jokes off of. I would much rather watch Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and The City than Terry Bradshaw on the Tonight show.
I’ve never had a concussion, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want Jay Leno to touch me.
Terry is always manic like that. He’s loud and yammering away at whatever crosses his mind. Jay was trying to carry something resembling a conversation, and he kept touching Terry’s shoulder to get his attention and to get his turn to talk. So Terry reacted to the repetitive touching, which is a bit unusual on a talk show.
But that’s pretty much how they always act. Terry is loud, they banter and drop insults, and Jay has to try to keep some semblance of a conversation going.
Yeah, he’s really fidgety. I’d probably be like that, too. I’m just fidgety, not on meth. I don’t know if Terry is on meth, but he doesn’t appear like most long term meth users - skinny, scratch wounds, bad teeth, horrible complexion, can’t focus enough to dress neatly or do personal hygiene.*
*My basis for comparison is the TV and internet, so take it for what it’s worth.
His autobiography said that he had ADD - and it was a rambling mess. I didn’t get more than 50 pages into it. (It was a birthday gift a few years back.)
I believe he’s also stated that he suffers from clinical depression?
Ahh, NOW I see my problem. I kept turning on Sex and The City expecting to see Terry Bradshaw…