Test, no need to read or reply.

A test of how the automatic reduction of multiple spaces between words is handled in mouse-over.

Ah, very interesting. Additional spaces are reduced to one space in the post itself (as most of us already know) but the mouse-over retains the original formating!

There is a modest prize for anyone who can guess which post prompted this test ;).*

*prize not valid for participants ignoring the recommendation to not read or reply to this thread.

I have no idea. I didn’t read this or the Caps Test post. :stuck_out_tongue:

How modest is this prize, anyway?

I saw your thread first (because I tend to check the forums in order), and then later realised this probably inspired it. I thought it was interesting, too :).

Yes that’s the one. I thought it strange that someone would go to the trouble of putting all those spaces between the words.

The prize is cake, however in accordance with the fine print, neither of the respondents are eligible to receive the cake.