Test post: on getting text to appear in that tiny type

Every now and then I see a posting with text in really little letters.
I saw the “toolbar” above the Reply window. Well, maybe that’s how to do it…
According to the Preview, it is. :slight_smile:

You can use the [sub] and [/sub] or the [sup] and [/sup] to make lowered and raised small text, respectively. If you want small text centered on the line, don’t forget the [****sub][****sup] trick.

In other words, to make it go [sub]this is lowered small text[/sub] I type [sub]this is lowered small text[/sub].

To make it go [sup]this is raised small text[/sup] I type [sup]this is raised small text[/sup].

And to make it go [sub][sup]this is small text centered on the line[/sub][/sup], which looks much cooler, I type [****sub][****sup]this is small text centered on the line[sub][/sup].
Also, I imagine you could use the ‘size’ button the new vb console gives you, but that just wouldn’t be as cool. That’s the easy way.

Sup/sub was indeed a cool and clever workaround; I’ve used it myself many times. But as you should be able to see below, it makes the line spacing a bit uneven to accommodate the expected superscript or subscript. Size=1 doesn’t have that defect. As happens to most everything, sup/sub is now obsolete and passé.

using sup/sub using sup/sub using sup/sub using sup/sub
using sup/sub using sup/sub using sup/sub using sup/sub
using sup/sub [sub][sup]using sup/sub [/sup][/sub] using sup/sub
using sup/sub using sup/sub using sup/sub using sup/sub
using size=1 using size=1 using size=1 using size=1
using size=1 using size=1 using size=1 using size=1
using size=1 using size=1 using size=1 using size=1
using size=1 using size=1 using size=1 using size=1

You say obsolete and passe, I say cool. Tomato tomato, etc.

[Originally posted by Rowrrbazzle*

Say this three times fast. :smiley: