Test post

Test post


This doesn’t bode well.

Well said Ed. I totally agree.

Bolding mine.

Boldly stated.

Neither Shodan nor Ed Zotti nor running coach

ETA: Weird effect going on. Viewing thread in HTTPS and then editing does a complete page replacement, removing the view of the thread. (Editing form is the entire page.) Editing page is HTTPS, but submitting returns to HTTP

Wha??..i didn’t catch that. As soon as you get crap figured out (kinda) things change. I am a bit OCD, I don’t deal well with the kinda thing.
But, don’t mind me, do what you gotta do.

Graping mine.

Grape, grape, grape. That’s all you do, all day long. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s better than grope, grope, grope all day long.

I like grape.

Why do you think they reprint the rule book every 60 days here? All 4 volumes.

Are you the new Grapist? :smiley:

Grape, grape…what is grape?

Here’s the grapes…

And here’s the wrath!


To whom?

Grapes…::Splat:: :eek:

To Mr Zotti. His account was apparently hijacked.

I don’t think so. The OP, while expressed in controversial language, is in accord with his previously stated views on the subject.

It lacked his usual accuracy, though. While the text of the post was factually true, the subject should have been “Test subject”. The real Ed would have never made such a mistake.

Ed Zotti, if you can read and respond to this message, send me your left pinky finger as proof of life.