did it work?
of course not
I don’t think tags work in titles.
[del]here Ya go[/del]
[del] tries the same [/del]
So THAT’S the [del]“strikethrough”[/del] “del” tag. I can’t count the number of times googling “vbulletin bbcode strikethrough” completely failed to return the “del” tag.
Nope, they don’t. That goes for other tags like bolding, super and sub script, etc. as well.
Humph! We demand the right to have garishly formatted subject lines… with blinking!
The Straight Dope, inducing seizures since 1973.
Nope. Wasn’t sure, was quicker to test than to ask.
Madness! That way lies “grapist headlines!” TURN BACK BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!