leave me alone! if it works i’ll do more lol.
sigh, i don’t know why it won’t work…
If you want to test posts, links or anything like that you should really do it in the ATMB forum (About This Message Board). Hopefully someone will come along to help you
D’oh! boy is my face red…
How dare you tarnish this holy place with your test threads? Be gone, spirits!
Ooo…is that a cucumber or a pickle?
Cannot confirm. Link broken.
For the record, I can see the two cute pups. The link is working for me.
I’m on Windows 98 with IE 6 if it helps.
From the FAQ, found near the top of the “ATMB” forum:
Basically, some people are big fat doodyheads and ruined it for the rest of us. That, and the boards, as you may have noticed, are pretty slow to load, and not everyone wants to sacrifice a decent board speed for a 1024x768 picture of someone’s cats dressed as a clown that they have no choice but to load.
Rrgh… tho…u…GAH!
Ok… the link worked, but only when I clicked on it and dragged it into the address bar. But if I just open it in a new window it doesn’t work.
Have any of you guys tried this? Why does that happen? Running IE5.5 on Windows ME here.
What about color?
PS - Ignore this one, too.
AHA! You have to close those tags, too.
But the Close All Tags doesn’t do it.