Texas Federal Prisoner gets 40% of vote in WV Dem Primary

:smiley: Indeed. The whole thing seems, once you admit the possibility of stupid assholes voting, to be pretty straightforward.

Hey, you’re the one making the non sequitur.

:confused: :confused:
You don’t even know?? :confused: Look at photos of Obama and the typical Judd voter. Hint: Focus on the skin color.

It’s so pathetic that right-wingers seize on instances of racism and pretend they reflect on Obama’s policies.

But, the “they didn’t bother to find out who they were voting for” part does make them stupid assholes, and you know it; that isn’t a difficult concept either.

All right then: cat food!

What’s the difference between Hillary Clinton & a federal prisoner? The federal prisoner left enough evidence to lead to an indictment.

Nice innocent until proven guilty thing there.

  1. As someone who cottons more to the theoretical efficiencies of dictatorship than the theoretical “fairness” of Democracy, I don’t always appreciate the constraints of our legal system. I live under it so I respect it and work within it, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t fancy some changes. Further discussion would probably hijack the thread.

  2. Assuming my jape was close to the mark, my admiration of Mr. & Ms. Clinton is founded in part on their ability to operate in fact under one system and appear to operate under another. Such cleverness deserves reward.

  3. Because a proper list consists of at least 3 points (greetings to an unnamed SDMB poster)

No, it doesn’t. They were casting a protest vote against Obama.

Is Inigo Montoya a court?

Stipulating you’re okay with voting for a convicted felon just as a protest vote (which obviously, for whatever reason, you are), all that says about Obama is that he’s not popular in WV. Which isn’t new. To the extent that the nature of the protest candidate matters at all, it’s to indicate what stupid assholes there are in WV–which, again, we already knew (stupid assholes being everywhere). The nature of the protest candidate in this case says nothing about Obama.

'Ello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You’re in my court. Prepare to try.

I’m shameless.

Thank you for admitting I am right.

Scarlet, if you’re this desperate for a victory, who am I to deny it to you?

To be pedantic, in the spirit of the Straight Dope : Sez you.

Er, I mean : Cite?

Unless you’re a mind-reader, I reject your implicit assumption that 40% of the voters in the Democratic primary went **knowingly **for a convicted felon as a protest vote. And unless they did so knowingly, then LHoD’s characterization of them as stupid assholes (perhaps it should be *ignorant *assholes, though) is correct.

So to sum up :
Obama is unpopular in West Virginia. - Nobody’s on the other side of this issue. Nobody was arguing against you on that point.

Obama is so unpopular in WV that a large number of people will vote for any other name on the ballot - Same thing. Nobody’s saying that this isn’t true. LHoD’s arguing that this makes them stupid assholes. I concur.

Obama is so unpopular in WV that a large number of people will knowingly choose a convicted felon over him - This one’s False. I know the WV electorate. They’re not well-informed.

I’m not sure that it’s an either/or thing between ignorant and stupid :). The ignorance is in not knowing they’re voting for an inmate. The stupidity is in casting a vote for someone when they have no idea who that person is.

I regularly go into the voting booth ignorant of certain elections, like I have no idea who the different candidates for Agricultural Commission are. Because I’m ignorant and not stupid, I don’t cast a vote for those elections.

But yeah, basically, spot on.

At this stage of the game, most people think a one-legged leper would be a better President that Obama.

I find it unlikely that you are able to back up that statement with a cite.

Also, do you think leprosy should be a bar against public service?

So we’re at the outright lying stage of the game, now?

If that’s true, then given Mitt’s poll numbers right now, that sure doesn’t cast Romney in a favorable light. Apparently most people would rather vote for the guy who nearly lost WV’s democratic primary to a convicted felon.