Texas Federal Prisoner gets 40% of vote in WV Dem Primary

I doubt that’s the case in any state for presidential primaries.

Look, can anyone be in doubt here? They didn’t vote for a convict, probably didn’t even know that; they’re red-state Dems, they voted for the only Not-Obama on the ballot.

No, wait, that’s what Obama was hiding on his birth certificate! He wasn’t born in Kenya, he was born in West Virginia. No wonder he’s ashamed of it.

Right. Heck, in the 2010 Senate election, (D)-then-governor Mancin ran successfully by campaigning hard ***against ***most of the Obama platform, specially emphasizing his divergence with the Prez on Obamacare, energy and guns. And that was facing a GOP opponent who did not even really live in the state and was caught casting campaign ads based on insulting clichés about WV.

WV Dems are very old-school.

The encouraging thing, then, is that only 40% of them despised Obama enough to vote for the unknown name.


I think it says more about Obama than it does about the voters.

Thanks for sharing!


Obama had no real opposition so the pro-Obama voters didn’t bother to vote. And most people understand that (perhaps even you).

And you base that on what?

You’re welcome.

Some people think Obama is a lousy president and doesn’t deserve reelection. I don’t see why that is so terrible.

Well I sure do, as exemplified by my post that said NOTHING OF THE SORT.

The question isn’t whether people think Obama is a lousy president. The question is whether people think a federal prisoner in Texas would be a better president. Are you gonna make the claim that:
a) some folks genuinely think that, and they’re not a bunch of stupid assholes? or
b) some folks don’t really think that, but they didn’t bother to find out who they were voting for, and they’re not a bunch of stupid assholes? or
c) something totally unrelated to the thread?

Yes. Most presidential candidates try to get on the ballot in all 50 states.


Okay, fine, make it.

As I stated earlier, they didn’t want to reelect Obama. So they voted for someone else.

This isn’t a difficult concept.

And what does that say about Obama?

Let’s not pretend this had anything to do with either Obama or being in federal prison. West Virginia voters rewarded Judd for rocking the most kickass ponytail imaginable, as damn well they should.

Yeah, see, in light of the “they voted for a federal prisoner over Obama without bothering to find out who they were voting for,” you need to justify your “but they’re not stupid assholes” claim. Shit, that coulda been Kang or Kodos.

Or you could just keep making the claim without any justification, in which case, hey, wanna know what my cat’s breath smells like?

Speaking as a West Virginian, don’t hold your breath on that happening.