TEXAS POSTERS! Stand up and be counted!!

wouldn’t be interested in getting rid of it would you?

Pantellerite, I was in a pub the other night that listed Shiner Bock under the imports (loopy Brits).

[sub]My apologies, Ayesha - how forgetful of me![/sub]

No Sonic up north? Wow.

Maybe! I owe back property taxes on it, though… some awesome amount like $20, if that gives you any idea of what Brewster County thinks it’s worth! It’s near Nine Point Mesa–take Hwy 118 South from Alpine, go about 53-55 miles to the American Legion, take the road across the highway and travel east about 6 miles down the improved road towards the mesa, turn right and go another mile-and-a-half. It’s around there… somewhere (I do have the exact block number, etc., at home). You really probably don’t want it, and we mostly keep it for sentimental reasons.

Ringo, I could get it during my brief spell in North Carolina, but nobody’s heard about it around here; they’d probably list is the same way if I found it. Luckily, the Bluegrass Brewing Company makes several good beers that help ease my Shinerless sorrows.

Luckily, I’ve got some funding to head back to Texas next summer for a month or so (longer, if I can score even more funding) to do some research in Big Bend, so I’ll be home again soon!

(Plus, we’ll probably head back for Christmas this year! Shucks, I’m getting excited just thinking about it.)

I have a house in Flower Mound, Texas. It’s about 10 miles north of the DFW airport.

I accepted a transfer to Texas from my company in December of 2000 and moved my family here in February of 2001.

I work in the communications industry as a systems engineer. My company is located in Irving, Texas.

What I enjoy about Texas (or anywhere in the south) is the climate. I don’t mind the 105 degree summer days and the 50 degree winters are just fine. Much better than my born and raised home in Syracuse, New York.

What I dislike in Texas is the extreme prejudice that people still have for minorities. Being from the north east, we had dealt with all these situations decades ago that Texas now is beginning to deal with.
I still don’t understand what 98% of places that fly flags have the Texas flag along with the US flag. I understand people identifing with thier state, but Texans take it to the limit.
And this area has some strange laws concerning alcohol sales. Either be dry or don’t. What the frig is it with wine and beer only?

Nope. The closest one from here is in Ohio, four states and 790 miles away.

Which, actually, is not much different than the distance from El Paso to Houston along I-10, without leaving the state. Gotta love Texas.

Waxahachie (slightly south of “NorthEast Texas”) for the moment, will be in austin soon (maybe it isn’t soon, but I keep telling myself that – 2 months, I can wait 2 months hopefully)


Where are the trees? I mean, I moved from arkansas so I am used to freaking huge trees all over, but the closest thing to trees here are very round bushes. And because there are no trees there is soo much wind. Too much really. And hot. Up until about last week, it was just way to hot and humid. It is quite pleasant right now though. I hate living with my parents, they make this place horrible.

Not really pertinent to the question, but I’ve eaten 28 4oz cups of strawberry-banana yogurt in the past 18 hours.

Born in Dallas but I count Lancaster as my home town. I left Texas right after the JFK assisination, although not for that reason.

I love and miss my friends; the surviving ones, that is.

I hate the close mindedness and racial prejudice I grew up with in the forties and fifties. I hope it’s better now.

Wooded Lands just north of Houston.

Training Manager/Recruitment/Tech Writer for same oilfield service company as Unclviny and Tapioca Dextrin. All your message board are belong to us :smiley:

Likes: decent restaurants, plenty of good music, ice tea available year-round, mild winters, one or two fine, fine women I know

Dislikes: rather distant from anything resembling scenery, hideous architecture, hideous traffic, summer heat/humidity, GIANT MAN-EATING BUGS!, tiny man-eating fire ants!

Native Texan.

3rd gen on Mom’s side, some of my ancestors welcomed yours on Dad’s side…we can document 11 generations.

Born waiting for the old drawbridge in Corpus Christi (originally from Aransas Pass).

Lived in Houston most of the time since age 10.

I love everything about Texas, except for bugs, snakes and Damn Yankee Corpetbaggers. Don’t mind Yankees, except the ones who whine because ‘here’ is NOT the same as it is “back home”.

Allen TEXAS…

Native Coloradan

Traded to a Wireless Company for two systems engineers and a DBA to be named later.
How long Since 1997, how much longer— God only knows and he ain’t telling.
Likes… Real wimp winters, grass doesn’t grow too fast. Neighbors mind their own damn business. Mavs

Dislikes… Traffic…Traffic, bragging Texans, people with green teeth, too damn hot… people like to work too much here… go hiking damn. Too flat, Where do you snow ski, Texans driving on ice or snow… a hoot. (allyaall) (afixin) (caint) (aight) to name a few.

Colorado is larger than Texas if you flattened it out.

If Texans were meant to ski bullshit would have been white.
Yes I am going back to Colorado… please don’t come and visit.


Born & bred in Ft. Worth.

I’m a programmer for Michaels in Las Colinas

What do I like about Texas? The wide variety of cultures; the people really do seem to be friendlier; the climate; the fact that Texans really appreciate Texas; but mostly it’s just home.

What do I dislike? Driving in west Texas and rednecks.

Tangent, what high school do you teach at?

nobrainer - in my livejournal, I made the comment that Texas is to the U.S. what the U.S. is to the world.

BTW, DFW dopers should check out our message board:
DFW Adams family board Sign up and we promise to only send you emails for DFW related events!

I think we need to get a Ft. Worth party going sometime soon.

I used to be a Texas Doper, does that count?

Robin, who used to live in Houston and San Antonio

I lived in Texas for years. Red Oak, and Texarkana. I wish I could have stayed, but my company transferred me to Hell, err, I mean Phoenix.

Just joking. Phoenix is OK.

Where from: Born and raised in Houston, lived in Richardson attending UT Dallas for a few years, now back in Houston.

Occupation: Student half the time, Helpdesk monkey at an unnammed company half the time.

Likes about current location: Very little. I can’t wait to get out of here. The number and variety of ethnic restaurants in this area is quite good, though.

Dislikes about current location: Quite a bit. The heat, humidity, general culture, traffic, perpetual road construction, racism, mosquitos, stagnant water, opaque tap water, and lack of anything remotely resembling winter, to start with.

Where: NE Texas. I was in Valley Ranch, recently moved to Coppell. I’ve also spent almost a year in San Antonio and three years in Del Rio.

What I do: I get paid to fly jets. Best. Job. Ever. :smiley:

Likes: The variety available. I just got back from a visit with friends down in San Antonio, and while driving through the beautiful Hill Country I was reminded that it’s only two weeks until Wurstfest!! Woo-hoo! Beer, brats and oohm-pa bands in central Texas! The weather is just getting perfect now in the Metroplex (high today was 72). I went to college in Tempe, AZ so I don’t mind the hot summers.

Dislikes: The confusing, byzantine alcohol laws. Beer and wine in some supermarkets, but a mile down the road it’s dry. Having to drive 10 miles out of my way to get a bottle of rum when friends are coming over. The traffic can be bad, but luckily I only drive to work a few times a month and I’m close to the airport!

From my time in Del Rio: Fire ants in the yard, a rattlesnake on my front porch, scorpions everywhere (including in shoes), and the occassional skunk-spray on the dog. Those things aren’t a problem up here, though!

Well, it isn’t, you know.


I’m from San Antonio. I’ve lived in Ireland for the past 10 years though (the ball and chain is from Co. Cork but we live in Killarney). I get back home as often as I can and the first thing I do is go to the “ice house” and get a Big Red and then run to the nearest Mexican food restaraunt!

I work as a Registered Mental Handicap Nurse.

My favorite things are: (in no particular order!)

Mexican food
friendly people
Joe Ely
The Old San Francisco Steak House (worked there for a long time years ago)
N.I.O.S.A. (big party during Fiesta week)
tubing down the Guadalupe River
Did I say Big Red? It’s just the best soda in all the whole wide world!
The Riverwalk
and muy muchas mas!

What I hate:


Wow, there are a lot more Houstonians here than I thought. If I ever start a pit thread on the traffic, ya’ll will back me up right? :smiley:

Actually Siegfried pal, while Houston’s a big ol’ city, with lots of cars and stoplights and such, in my experience, if you know your way around, it’s one of the easiest of the bigger cities to get around.