Truants to be tracked by GPS anklet.
A 17 year old is an adult, pure and simple. They can make their own decisions. If school isn’t for them, it isn’t for them. Who the hell is the state to say otherwise?
I’m lucky that I live in a state where a 16 year old can legally drop out school.
High school is like prison. Even more so now than when I was in. Every single second is monitored, from the time the bus picks you up in the morning until it drops you off in the afternoon. ID cards fastened to your neck, herded through crowded hallways at the ring of a bell with seconds to spare. Your friends, clothes, speech, and music are closely studied so that you can be corrected when they are found lacking. Various rules come and go at whim, to appease parents or superintendents. No trench coats. No hats. No gum. Girls can’t wear neckties because they present a choking hazard and distract the other kids in class.
And I didn’t even learn anything! All that herding and I didn’t get taught a single thing outside of driver’s ed that I didn’t know before the 9th grade or learn myself in the library.
Education has lost even the charade of priority. Nobody in the administrations care one whit about teaching kids. Fuck learning! Gotta keep them out of gangs. Buckle them up. Keep them on campus. Keep them off drugs. Keep them off the cigarettes, away from alcohol, keep their foot off the pedal. Keep them safe from terrorism. Keep them from having sex. Most of all you have to keep them under control. You have to instill discipline. You have to back up the other teachers’ authority at all times. Because otherwise it’s just anarchy.
Yeah, the government monitoring children’s locations 24/7 is the perfect solution to keeping them in school! :rolleyes: I just can’t wait to send my child into the loving arms of public education!