Thai Police Arrest Rapist

I feel like this could be merged with the Super Troopers thread.
“Banana… bananatree f*cker! Do you need assistance?!”


Do you remember that demo from sex ed on how to put on a condom?

He extrapolated.


Actually…, banana trees are used by farm boys in Cuba as a first sexual experience a lot. This was often joked about during school year, where farms boys were teased about it.

As I understand it, and no I never tried it, you poke a hole more or less penis sized on the banana tree and go at it. Since the banana tree is more of a soft grass and very wet…, well you get the idea.

Technically wouldn’t the ladle be the perpetrator? :slight_smile:

I knew a guy that was briefly in a Thai prison. From his description four years sounded like a life sentence.

Point taken.

ETA - just where the heck do you hang out that you are hanging with former Thai prison inmates? I know, I know. It was probably some Brokedown Palace type scenario.

I was worried more about what the gay ones did.


My eyes! They bleed!

I guess those would go right to the bananas and skip the tree. :slight_smile:

Sort of a friend of a friend situation. There are a lot of expats in Bangkok, but it can be a kind of small community.
This guy was German, married to a Thai. He ran a business as a partnership with a Thai fellow. According to the German guy*, he was arrested because he wanted to close his shop and move to Japan, where he’d been offered a lot of money as a computer consultant. He made decent money in Thailand, but would make very good money in Japan and he was frankly getting a little tired of the place. His business partner was concerned because he would be losing his major source of income, and eventually got the German arrested on some (allegedly) trumped up charges. The German’s wife’s family pulled some strings and eventually got him out and supposedly the Thai business partner was arrested for filing a false police report. German dude was in jail for about a week. He said it was a very small, crowded cell, about 10x10 with about 15 prisoners in it. They’d curl up on the ground to sleep, lots of vermin, no clean water, had to do ablutions in a corner of the cell, beaten once a day when he couldn’t respond to the dialect of Thai that his guards spoke, etc.

I heard this from him first hand, not sure how reliable he was. It was soon after he’d been incarcerated, and he looked much thinner than when I’d seen him previous.

I read that the cows weren’t offended at all. They thought it was a bunch of bull.

Does this signifigantly damage the banana plant? If so I could see why a law would be passed against this.

But, it still seems odd to talk about prosecuting a rape of a banana tree.

Anyone know if banana rapes carries a stiffer penalty than date rape?

Okay, I’ll stop now.


I see your [color=“#5555BB”]BANANARAPIST and raise you one graping by THE GRAPIST![/color]

Sorry, I can’t resist this one…
Well, I think that date rape has a chance of carrying a much stiffer penalty - since dates are real trees, date rape will have the chance of inflicting a splinter. :smiley:

Sounds about right from what I’ve heard, although I’ve not any personal experience in this area.

All part of the wonder of living in Thailand. It has its own set of logic, gleaned apparently from some other universe. Every day is a new adventure. Seriously.

Hmmm. Four years for rape, but I just remembered that lese majeste will get you something like 15 years.

I just saw an Oprah episode about this. You know, treefucking. Where you fuck, or get fucked by, a tree.

Then again, maybe that was just a dream I had.

Looks more like a blueberrying by the blueberryist.