Thank God For The 2nd Amandment

Or he’s so hysterically pissed off, he’s demanding a new “amadment”.

Or maybe he’s expressing thanks for the breath lozenges “amandmints”.

Hey now. Settle down, elitist. The much derided microwave oven is a perfectly legitimate appliance for popping corn. If used properly it can effectively pop nearly all of the kernels without burning the corn. It is also very efficient for melting butter. :wink:

Not Finland, Belgium or France.

Murder rates by country: List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

US 4.88
Finland 1.60
Belgium 1.80
France 1.58

US murder rates broken down by weapon: FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Firearms are 67-68% of the total for 2007-2011 (a remarkable stable share). Add in “Other or weapon not stated” and you get 74-75%, another stable share. Adjust the 4.88 figure accordingly and you get (1.57-1.61) as an upper bound and (1.24-1.27) as a lower bound. The upper bound is approximately the same as Finland and France and lower than Belgium. You don’t have to go that far towards the lower bound to beat them all.

This is hardly the worst piece of misinformation posted on this board. I do think though that it implies that the original fact source that Damuri Ajashi read wasn’t entirely on the up and up.