Finally. I’ve been reading everyone’s posts and everything else on this site and I’m just so glad to be here. Every day at the office, this is what I often do (unless there’s real work to be done). You guys have been keeping me sane for the past five months (terrible what I’ve been through lately. A long distance relationship that went horribly wrong, but that’s another story). Anyway, just wanted to say how glad I am to be here and keep up the good work.
This is one asylum which the lunatics cannot take over, seeing that it has always been staffed and resided in by loonies.
I’m fairly new here myself, but I’ll take it on myself to say “Welcome!”
People here tend to have strong opinions, but they seem to avoid the ad hominems better than any other online forum I’ve seen. And this is a good place to get in touch with reality, if not sanity – that fighting ignorance thing and all.
(Don’t be surprised if this thread gets moved to MPSIMS; ABTM isn’t quite the right forum.)
As Roger Thornhill said “This is one asylum which the lunatics cannot take over, seeing that it has always been staffed and resided in by loonies.”
Yes, and to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, it is a messgae board of the loonies, by the loonies and for the loonies.
Welcome revolver_4
I had to chuckle at that line.
Welcome, revolver-4. Enjoy your stay.
Off to MPSIMS.
Hello revolver_4. Be welcome. Enjoy your stay!
Hi and welcome, revolver_4.
Got to keep the loonies on the path.
I guess it’s a bit late to welcome our Loony Overlords, then.
Wow, I never thought my posting would receive such a positive response - thanks all. Oh, and it’s time for my medication again.
Well, I’ve been here since 1999 and I have yet to regain any of my sanity or even retain what was left.
But, then again, I never did recieve the tinfoil hat I was promised.
Thank you everyone for making me feel welcome. You people are excellent.
Actually, it’s a little known fact that the subscription fee is split up amongst all benevolent participants in a “guest” welcome thread.
That’s where all the 2-cent-pieces people throw around in their posts come from; the truly altruistic can afford to be less thrifty and voice their opinions.
Oh, and, for my own financial gain… welcome!
Hi revolver_4. I’m newer than you, but I’ve already fallen in love with 27 or 162 posters. Brains + heart + humor = the kind of place that feels just right.
Well, when you consider that we are collectively the eptiome perfection it was a piece of cake. Stick around.
Thats us, furthering the democratization of insanity.