Thank You, Mr. President...

Let me see. You fit liberal demographics pretty well.

  1. Ignorant as a box of rocks

What the heck, we can just stop with that one, no need to go any farther. Of your list, you got #1 and #4 correct. You lose (which is to be expected), but thanks for playing and try again some other time.

On second thought, don’t.

Sigh. Let’s try this again. I’ll type slower.

Voting for Trump WAS making our country better. The whining is a fringe benefit.

Go back and read what I posted. Read it until you comprehend the fact that Trump was NOT the WORST POSSIBLE candidate.

You have done an excellent job of earning your reputation here. You leave no doubt.

True. We could have had an idiot martial arts instructor running.

Given the inordinate amount of time, effort and money spend stateside during the primary season I would have thought that aspiring to a tad higher political standard would not have been an unreasonable goal. YMMV.

Not the worst possible candidate. What an accolade, give that man an Oval Office and a following of thick skulled mouth breathers.

One wonders, then, why you decided to mention the reaction of liberals first, and to only defend Trump’s effect on the country after you were called on it.

And even if it’s not the most important result of the election, you do, by your own admission, see the distress of fellow Americans as a desirable state of affairs. Is that really who you want to be?

It is true that millions voted for Trump. It is equally true that even more millions did not.

Thank you President Trump, for winning the election that kept Hillary Clinton from ever becoming president.

She now can devote the rest of her life peddling her book that blames everyone else for her loss.

Dipshit detected!

I don’t know that it was necessary for trump to attain power in order for Clinton to write and distribute a book, though had she won, obviously, it would not have been about the event surrounding the loss of the election.

It is good to see that you have such a high opinion of her that you wouldn’t mind having our country harmed in order to read her works, but I personally could have waited till after her presidency.

“our country harmed”

One man’s “harmed” is another man’s “helped”

How very right you are! The poor and the minorities are harmed, and the wealthy and well connected are helped.

So you’ve still got nothing other than “we hate Hillary.”

Explain why not having healthcare is helping anyone?
Why do you want some people to not have healthcare?

In what specific way(s) has the election of Trump helped you?

Show us on the doll where the Bad Lady touched you.

Probably not a good question to ask.

I will get more money in my paychecks next year because of tax cuts. That helps me.

Those parts are no longer present on the doll. You’ll have to ask SWMBO where she stored them.