…for giving America back to the people…the people who can’t spell it.
…for reminding us that freedom’s just another word for stuff.
…for letting us be proud…not just of our vets, but our wars.
…for reminding us that our flag stands for something…something libs and blacks don’t understand or care about.
…for teaching us that in America, a $7 an hour barista can be part of the elite…if she has an education.
…for giving us a First Lady we can value as a woman…because she’s 24 years younger than you, keeps her yap shut, and has posed nude.
…for giving us the security to know our tax dollars will be wisely spent…on job creators, not job creation.
…for making the world’s greatest military the world’s greatest times two…three…ten.
…for reminding us that Christianity is not what you do, but who you are…white, tribal, and prejudiced.
…for teaching us that it is not just our achievements, but our resentments, that make America great…and that being true to our legacy of achievements and resentments is what will make America great again.
“Thank you for letting us say ‘Merry Christmas’ again”??! ::puke smiley
Yep, because individuals were being prevented from saying “Merry Christmas”. :rolleyes:
The comments are making me feel better, at least.
For the big fat lump of coal (what you are calling a tax cut) in my stocking.
Thanksgiving was last month.
And Rantsgiving is in the Pit.
Thank-you, Dear Leader Trump, for improving my golf and tennis swings.
Thank you for getting another year older and another year closer to death.
Thank you for conducting yourself in front of the world in such a manner that descriptive words as “cockwomble” and “shitgibbon” have entered my vocabulary.
Don’t forget dotard.
Thank you for doing everything in his power to give Americans with pre-exsting conditions the freedom that comes with being priced out of the healthcare market.
Maybe tomorrow Trump will announce that he’s unshuttering all the neighborhood churches and christians will be at last free to practice their religion without fear!
Thank you for publicly admitting that the tax bill is for the benefit of the wealthy.
One time I said “Merry Christmas” and an antifa supersoldier slapped the eggnog out of my hand.
Hey, at least it’s clean coal, right?
Thank you Mr Trump for helping stand-up comedians make a decent living again …
For providing entertainment, at the very least.
He was a lot funnier when he wasn’t signing stuff…
Thank you, Mr. President, for having the gall and temerity to beat Hillary Clinton, thereby causing every liberal extant to simultaneously develop a massive case of the red-ass. Their constant whining is music to our ears.
No need to extant yourself that far.