I feel sick. I feel gutted. Why does 48% of the country have so much hatred and disdain for women? For immigrants? For Muslims? For non-whites? You realize those are actual people, right? People who just want to raise families, work, and have meaningful lives, just like you?
Why do you hate me? Why do you hate my friends, my family, my neighbors? Why do you hate most of my city? What did we ever do to you?
My one source of comfort in all of this is that over 50% of the voting populace did NOT vote for Trump. At Google’s last count of the popular vote, 48% went for Trump, 47% went for Clinton, and the rest went to third-party candidates. But, seriously,red America–WTF?!
Oh, climb down off your damn cross! This kinda attitude is a large part of why tonight happened: making it about race, sexuality, religion, and such, rather than realizing it’s about selfish elites versus those of us left behind, almost regardless of the former.
For the record, I am black and gay and one of those left behind in this country. I would’ve rather shoved my junk into an angle grinder than vote for Hillary.
And now we’re stuck with Trump. That’s hardly an improvement. If you think you’re left behind now, just wait until the first year of a Trump administration.
Ever since Trump became a contender, a small part of me actually wanted him to win, just out of morbid curiosity to see how BAD he would screw things up for the USA and the entire world. That small part of me wants to crawl into a corner and die this morning.
That said, while nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public at large, this isn’t the dumbest election result in history. Close, but not nearly the worst. That would belong to George W. Bush being re-elected in 2004. At least with Trump, nobody really knows what he’s actually gonna do. We knew that with G.W. Bush. We watched him ban stem cell research, setting back the progress of modern medicine by decades; we watched him refuse to intervene when his Enron cronies raped California’s economy with its artificial electricity crisis; we watched him say on live TV, just six months after 9/11: “I don’t know where Osama bin Laden is, and I don’t care!” Everone knew what an inept, selfish, borderline psychopathic dumbass he was, and Americans re-elected him anyway. We can’t say that with Trump yet – he’s a delusional misogynistic blowhard, but he hasn’t actually done anything yet.
So, no matter how it seems, Election 2016 isn’t quite the dumbest election in American history. THAT title will belong, most likely, to Election 2020.
It’s a very distinct possibility that that’s exactly what will happen to you in Trump’s America, once the people he appoints proceed to repeal the civil rights movement.
You’re 100% right. He is one of the selfish elites. I ain’t a Trump fan, either.
As stated in the “I Pit the USA” thread, those like me were fucked either way. The reason I’m elated is simply because this result constituted a big slap-in-the-face to the Democratic elite. Much deserved.
I’m not sure why you think that Hillary Clinton would’ve advocated gay conversion therapy, pass federal laws against gay marriage, continue efforts to oppress minority voting, or kick millions of otherwise uninsurable people off their insurance. We have ample evidence that this upcoming administration will.
So how about those people? Would they have suffered just as much if Clinton won?
So you don’t care that 30 million people are going to lose their health insurance. You don’t care that hundreds of millions are going to fall under the yoke of Russian oppression. You don’t care that you personally are going to suffer. You don’t care that we’re skipping past the point of no return vis-à-vis climate change where the human race itself may not survive the next two centuries.
All that is worth it to you for the sake of “a slap-in-the-face to the Democratic elite”.
You had a chance to elect a normal person in Bernie Sanders. Instead of listening to a word he said, America just squeals about socialism like its the fucking cold war. You then elect a bloviating sociopath with more ties to Russia than the Bering strait. I don’t understand and I hope the other first world nations of this planet drop America like it is a sack of hot shit. The world cannot afford to kiss you on the cheek this time and say it will be all right. Fuck that noise America is done.
No, they weren’t. There was literally nothing going to happen to you differently if Clinton were president. Maybe you’d not be better off, but you’d be no worse.
But now you may lose your right to marry, and racists are gonna feel right at home discriminating against you in public, like they do in the UK to Polish people since Brexit.
And, frankly, if you’re so immoral as to be “elated” because you wanted others to get a “big slap in the face,” I find it really hard to have much sympathy for you. Even though I wanted Trump to lose, it was never about hurting him.
Don’t be so fucking silly. The US is still the most powerful nation on earth and will be so for a long time yet. The world still needs the USA and the next year will bring a host of foreign leaders coming to Washington and cozying up to the new President. World politics will continue as usual.
Honestly the sheer hyperbole and doom-laden predictions in the threads on Trump’s victory are quite absurd.
So your reasoning is basically ‘I’m fucked, but at least this way, so is everybody else!’. In that case, yeah, Trump really is the right president for you.
Generally it’s more a case of, “I’m fucked; voting Clinton won’t give me any improvement, so I’ve nothing to lose by voting Trump.” My brother pointed out this line to me months ago and I’ve mentioned it before here.
Trying to get into my morning workflow, I realized that the last time I felt this way it was September 11, 2001.
Only this time, it’s like the Trump Tower fell on us.
Silver lining (to quote Kevin Dowd):
“The Clintons remind me of the Universal horror movies where you thought the monster was dead and then the monster would show up in a bad sequel. I’m glad now that they’re finally gone.”
I love the sound of liberals whining in the morning.
There’s a very clear point here that all of you have either overlooked or chosen to ignore. The American people just sent a very clear message that we are sick and fucking tired of politics as usual. Hillary Clinton was the face of liberal elitism that says, “Oh, we know so much better than you about how things are supposed to be done. It doesn’t matter that our candidate is a liar and a felon, she’ll still keep the giveaway programs in place and maybe even increase them.” She was the face of the anti-business socialist mindset that runs liberalism these days.
We, the Americans with common sense, are tired of that bullshit. Is Trump the perfect person to repute it with? Probably not, but at this stage of the game, we would have voted for a one-legged leper to keep Hillary out of the White House.
As a small business owner, I’m glad he won. He is pro-business, and I expect to see the economy pick up and I expect my business to grow as a result. And I really hope that Trump can start repairing the damage done by the eight straight years of fuck-ups by Obama.
And instead voted for a candidate so fundamentally unqualified that his election caused the stock market to drop a thousand points on election day.
I have rarely ever seen such an unfitting self-aggrandizement. This is like Trump calling himself a sex machine.
Moodys, people whose job it is to analyze these things, don’t. They predict a massive recession on the basis of his stated policies. But hey, that’s just more liberal elitism! We don’t need no steekin’ experts!
It is my legitimate hope that you end up unemployed and homeless within the next eight years, just so that I can watch you log on from a library computer to sing the praises of how much better things are now that the president is from your side of the aisle.