Thank you president Bush?

I’ve got to say, a president that sends a few hundred bucks two different times during his terms of office is a rare one indeed. Thanks to him, now I have a kindle. Ohhh, shiny.

Is it just me or does nobody ever seems to give him credit for it? What is your take on this?

Who knows, maybe these stimulus packages are so crazy they just might work! I can see the economic boom of 2010 already*!


Robbing your children’s and grandchildren’s futures to pay for your ongoing stupidity is not a legacy any honorable and decent person would want as their legacy.

Got it in one. Bravo!

That sums up my attitude.


You now have your choice of any of the large-sized stuffed animals along the top row.

And curiously, there are still a lot of people roaming around talking about what a great idea Reaganomics was.


I’m eager to try Bushonomics on the individual level. If I understand it correctly, I inherit a house that I can comfortably afford, but then I spend everything I have on expensive furniture and go into as much debt as possible to remodel it and hire contractors whose previous jobs were as a TV weatherman and a fry cook, and then when the house is hopelessly behind on the payments and the repairs and renovations have left huge open halls in the walls and the carpet torn up with no end in sight and I’m living on credit cards because my outgo is 150% of my salary, I send each one of my neighbors a ham, because that way if worse comes to worse they’ll give me ham sandwiches. What am I leaving out?

I take it you guys are returning your checks to the IRS then? :smiley:

Well your plan missed out of the massive amounts of people dead in an unjustified war started with trumped up evidence that no reasonable person should have believed required such immediate action. Otherwise a great summary. Did I mention that it also prevented the proper follow-up of the justified war that could have actually done the locals a lot of good?

Oh wait you forgot the part where the renovation company you gave the no-bid contracts to was run by your friend and finacial advisor. Did we somehow mention the rampant cronism?

or **Duckster ** you got it in one.


It would be a much more generous offer if Bush were sending all that money out of his personal checking account. All he’s doing is taking our money and then giving it back to us. If you really want a warm feeling, I could send you a check for ten thousand dollars - you just have to send me $10,020 first. The extra twenty is to cover my expenses.

What? I’m giving you ten thousand dollars and you’re going to begrudge me a measly twenty bucks?

Most people… ultimately, yes.

Me, I’m putting it in the bank.

Wasn’t the first time just an advance on the next year’s refund? And where’s the money coming from this time around? Curiously, I haven’t heard yet.

Robbing your children’s future. Please. The money is immediately spent where it gets taxed where it is again immediately spent and taxed again to be immediately spent and taxed again and immediately spent and taxed again. The point is to get people spending money more quickly, it’s a shock to the system. The more often people spend money the more robust the economy is, the more the government can tax things. The Government makes its money not off the total amount of money in the economy, but based on how quickly it cycles. The more transactions the more the Government gets paid. It’s a terrible idea. It’s not like the government has a zero sum savings account where that money would have sat waiting for my kids to withdraw it. I bought baby formula today with the money I got from tax returns, so that means I invested it in my child’s future!

The thing that’s funny to me is how much people dump on Reagonomics even though the 90s and the Oughts were both significantly more affluent than the 70s.

:dubious: And our moms/wives went to work, and over 40-hour work weeks became pretty much the norm . . . is Reagonomics really to credit here?

Reagan was president in the 80s.

Cisco Moms and wives fought hard for that privilege.

Robot Arm That’s right, the economic policy of one decade is better reflected in the following decade than in the decade in which it occurs.

Reganomics aka supply side economics should have been dead and buried. Bush Sr said it correctly: “voodoo economics.”

Rather than learn the lessons of the Regan years of the post Japanese bubble, Bush Jr had to give it another shot.

I don’t qualify for a refund. It really chaps my ass. I’m fiscally responsible and make too much money. Therefore, I get taxed more so my money can go to someone else to put gas in their car. And of course, one of the side effects of devaluing the dollar (and that’s exactly what has happened) is gas prices going up. And the more deficit spending the government does, the more the dollar will devalue. Sweet, ain’t it?

That doesn’t really answer my question.

Given how stupidly Bush acted over iraq, I find it hard to believe he understands economics.
However any politician knows that giving the electorate money just before an election works well.
So …are you guys having an election soon?

Due entirely to the tax increases and deficit reduction during the Clinton administration.