Thank you Something Weird Video

I have many DVDs put together by Something Weird which has a lot of low budget, exploitation movies usually accompanied by many extras.

I just finished watching SINderella and the Golden Bra. This is the first of a double feature which includes Goldilocks and the Three Bares. Both of these were made in the 60’s and are nudie cuties. It seems so quaint and innocent because at the time you could only get away with T&A. It is extemely entertaining watching for people covering up their “obscene” parts while posing or walking around, swimming etc. While both are very good and campy, I must say that SINderella is probably one of the most entertaining movies I have seen in a while.

The first thing I noticed is the warning on the back:
Warning: This program contains mild nudity and godawful singing. OK off to a great start. I begin with Goldilocks and the extras. Then tonight I put in SINderella. First of all it is the standard Cinderella story told with a little nudity (very tame and infrequent). Rather than losing her slipper SINderella loses her golden bra. It follows the basic storyline, has really fun characters (king and fairy Godfather) and acting and some entertaining songs (its a musical!).

Now usually during this types of movies I will often roll my eyes, make MST3k type comments or turn it off for a little while to check the internet and let my brain recover. However with this one I just got totally into it. I laughed out loud several times and thoroughly enjoyed it, even enjoyed the musical bits.

I just want to say that this truly is the greatest movie ever made.

I am so buying this tomorrow.