You know, if I’m walking around work all morning with my back pocket sticking inside out, could you please fucking tell me? I do not enjoy looking like a SMACKED ASS all day.
Same goes for my shirt collar not being buttoned - I sometimes forget in the morning rush, so no, it’s not a fashion statement.
(And any purient comments about asses and smacking them will involve me smacking your ass.)
I had a nice man on the Coaster this morning tell me that a bird had crapped on my shoulder. Not something I really wanted to hear but it was important information none the less.
“Your pocket is hanging out, your hair is sticking up, and you have a piece of food on your face. It’s a chicken wing. It’s been there for three days.”
Neither me, but everyone around me is going to be hearing it until I get tired of it.
I had to tell a friend about her dragon breath once, Esprix, and she ended up thanking me… so know that I can be counted upon to always let you (gently) know of your smack-assedness.
Nobody playing the “My gaze is not now, nor has it ever been, directed at Esprix’s round, firm, and usually sensibly-dressed bottom. No sir, most assuredly not,” game, I hope?
since my work involves dealing with customers face to face, i much rather someone , like my coworkers tell me i have something in my teeth, fix my colar or alert if something is wrong…like i do to them…
…shish…am i the only one who cares?