I looked at a boy the other day in a bar when I was drunkenly trolling, and he didn’t look back!
That hatefull fuck! What’s his problem? How could he not want me? Definitely self-hating Dahmer-action going on with that bitch.
Still, I’m in a mess. I passed a glance at a male in a situation, and he didn’t regard me. Am I losing it? Am I really an utter phoney?
Thank God my pony-boy lackeys, who have never said an original thing in their lives, will back me up. Don’t worry, they’re at their best when they say “Me, too.”
One-trick pony? I? You know how I hate being labeled.
(to the tune(chorus) of ‘Guide me o Thou great Jehovah’)
[Women]Who the fucking,
[Men]who the fucking,
[With grandeur]who…the…fucking…hell…are…you?[sustain]
I have nothing to say to the OP, but I just want to thank Mangetout for making me laugh out loud at work and further cementing my workmates opinion of me. Although I’ve got the tune stuck in my head now.
You’ve got two hours after my post to rephrase your OP. I want to know what you think is wrong with Esprix, I want to see examples, and I want to see links.
The Pit is for bashing other posters, if you feel so inclined. But you cannot bash someone without a reason. Failure to produce a substantiated case will get this thread locked, and it might get you in trouble.
this is an area thaqt has me confused, and until K+K gets back with an explination, perhaps we can make use of this thread.
For want of better examples (and this is just to clarify, and not to condemn) hom many of the above comments could be classified as “pulling up deckchair” type posts?
Unless a nitpick post like this also violates the "no padding post counts with meaningless stuff like nitpicks or mention of seating arrangements in the Pit’ rule.
Oh shoot.
I’m standing up! I’m standing up!
Shodan (who is just as big an attention whore as anyone else on the SDMB, thankyouverymuch, but wouldn’t feel comfortable starting an “Ask the Lutheran about his sex life” thread)
My point being that, once again IMHO, the lawn chair posts are those that are calling for a scrap. I’ve always thought that they remind me of schoolkids in a playground, chanting “Fight, fight, fight”.
Well, to my mind (such as it is), your quintessential “pulling up deckchair” post doesn’t actually address the issue - just indicates the poster’s awareness of the thread. Whereas most of the above posts implicitly or explicitly take a position on the OP (have you noticed, they all seem to be “against”? Weird, that, isn’t it? Almost as if people actually like Esprix, or something…), and the ones that don’t are actively addressing other posts. I think that distinguishes them from the total wastes of bandwidth the “no deckchairs” rule is meant to deal with.
But what do I know? It’s damned hard to read the admins’ minds from this angle.
To address the OP: we’re all posting this gibberish on a public message board, for the world and his wife to read… aren’t we all really just attention whores? (Myself excepted, of course. I post purely as a public service; no issues of ego are involved at any level. And if you believe that, there’s this bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you…)
How exciting! By my clock, Kang has about 20 minutes!
So it’s either a) a parody, in which case there’s no link or any other indicative info or b) a serious flame, in which it’s a little lame because … well, because we can’t figure out the point.