Goddamn Ford Motor Company…
I didn’t blame you for building that lemon of a Mustang I bought (well, I did, but…). I just wanted a different car after mine almost killed my husband, and your guys couldn’t ever figure out why. You had my car for a month, and could never diagnose the cause of the sudden loss of all power and total systems shutdown while driving on a busy freeway during afternoon drivetime! No brakes, steering, instrumentation or control, and the anti-theft system would come on like we were stealing the fucking car instead of driving it! A long story would ordinarily ensue, but suffice it to say that you couldn’t find out what the hell was wrong with the car, even after a test drive almost killed one of your service reps in the same way as my husband’s near miss! After 30 days out of service for the same problem, the CA “lemon law” would have required you to replace the vehicle or refund costs, so even though on day 29 you still didn’t know what was wrong, on day 30 you told us it was fixed and to come pick it up. Um, no, I don’t think so, sparky.
We asked about simply replacing the car with another. We didn’t want a dime from you or your dealership, just another car as we no longer feel safe putting ourselves or our children in this one. You tell us no. Just no. Too bad, if something really bad happens to you in the car, maybe we’ll look at it again. Lovely.
So now we are involved in a lawsuit. Which has already cost Ford more in legal fees than we would ever have expected for the fucking car!
Yesterday, we sit all day in the most ass-backwards deposition in the history of the world. The associate assigned to do our depo, we’ll call her “Idiot”, only passed the CA bar this spring! She has been practicing for less than six months, and if this WASN’T her first depo, she should be fired for absolute incompetance.
My husband is an attorney and former prosecutor, which Idiot discovered in the first five minutes. She was visibly shaken and remained flustered throughout the day. Our attorney almost had an apoplexy at the inane and irrelevant questions that Idiot put to us. There may be more objecting in the transcript than testimony! He even tried to feed her acceptable questions when hers were vague or unacceptable, but she still didn’t get it (“if you asked this, my client could answer you”). Our attorney finally got so bored he pulled out his checkbook and started paying his bills, fitting in an objection every few minutes. She missed opportunities for follow up that might have actually produced relevant information, perhaps because she was working from a script that she hadn’t written or even read before the depo started.
Bottom line- it was pathetic. IANAL, but even I know that you can’t ask someone “what did your lawyer tell you?”!!! How this imbecile ever passed the Bar is beyond me. Even the attorney for Ford Motor Credit, who was only along for the ride, was rolling her eyes and pacing.
Congratulations to both Ford and my dealership. Not only do you not have a single shred of information on record that you didn’t have before, but you really got our backs up. What’s that you say? You will offer to take the car back and refund every penny we have spent on payments? Not good enough anymore. Get your fucking checkbook out, worms.
This from a company who had Jacques Nasser all over my TV not too long ago, assuring me that my safety was his primary concern. Of course, old Jacques took one for the team last week, so…