Since the Vikings (Yay Vikings!) were playing today I decided to just have a small Thanksgiving meal here with my boyfriend. We had lots of leftover food so our three dogs got their share and I offered my two cats small pieces of turkey (boneless, of course) too.
I currently have two cats, Bo and Blabby. I used to have a cat named BooBoo (please don’t laugh at my pets’ names, I know they’re goofy). BooBoo unfortunately died of cancer in 1996, and I still miss him terribly. I got Blabby after BooBoo died to keep Bo company. Anyway, before BooBoo died he was the worst beggar and would eat almost any people food placed before him, while Bo would turn up his nose at anything not catfood. After BooBoo died, Bo started liking people food and now he is the worst beggar, and Blabby just sniffed at the turkey and walked away without eating it. What cat would refuse turkey?
The only non-catfood thing Blabby has ever eaten is a piece of Ritz cracker. Now, I don’t make it a habit of feeding my animals people food, I know it’s bad for them, but as a treat once in a while I think it’s OK.
Anyone care to share their pets strange eating habits? Truly mundane and pointless…
Wow. I had no idea how that was going to turn out in the end… Your OP had so many twists and turns and looptheloops! …and so many animal names to follow that sounded the same. Quite frankly it made me dizzy. L
…um… my kitten sometimes eats dog food. Whole big pieces that fill up his entire mouth untill he can crack it up.
…my cats breath smells like dog food…
Don’t tell anyone… but sometimes my dogs eat shit from the backyard. Literaly. Sometimes I wonder if they actually let it hit the grass first or if they just daisy chain up and take directly from the source.
Ever have a dog run in and jump in your lap and pant dog shit breath in your face. Gack, I hate animals…
My dog eat towels and paper. Anything he can tear to shreds and then eat is great for him, you’d think he’d be smart and use blankets to keep warm but he eats them instead. I love my puppy cuz he’s so addorable but I can’t say anything for his intelligence. Why couldn’t I have a cat?
Before my dog died she would eat anything that had even touched food. She ate through multiple lunch boxes, bags etc. She chewed through my back pack once to get an empty plastic bag. In all of the time during her life i only remember her not eating food twice, and it was rhubarb and onions. She looked at it, put it in her mouth and then spit it out. She promptly walked away and left it there. As for onions i just don’t think she liked them.
Just for the record my dog had really strong jaws and nose considering she was a lap dog. For those of you that remember Wizard of Oz, my dog was the same type as Todo.
I have a cat who loves Pop-Tarts. We found him on the coffee table today, eating Pop-Tart crumbs one of the kids had left, and he was so intent on eating them that he stood his ground and didn’t jump down when we caught him.
For the sole reason of depriving his mate of any offerings, Zen, my wolf hybrid has eaten:
[li]Canteloupe Rinds[/li]
[li]Corn Cobs[/li]
[li]Pineapple Juice[/li]Need I tell you that he is an omnivore?
PS: He thinks that cat turds are breath mints!
Fairy Princess Kitty:
When my dog was a puppy he ate everything too! Socks, sunglasses, the carpet, remote controls, the comforter on my bed, etc., etc. He finally grew out of it when he was about five. He eats almost evey food except olives.
I guess I should feel lucky none of our dogs eat doodoo. I keep my litter boxes in “The Cat Room”, and that room is off-limits to the dogs, so no tootsie rolls for them!
I have three cats. One cat likes Pop-Tarts, another loves green olive juice, and the other likes to lick photographs. Note that none of the three cats actually eats these things, they just lick them.
My doberman Simon will eat just about everything, but he really loves fruit. Bananas, peaches, apples…all of it. I will eat an orange and he’ll sit beside me drooling on the floor. Mike, my german shepherd, is far pickier. Papi, my siamese kitten, is just pretty much into catfood. Or rotiserie chicken. Or canned dogfood (just a spoonful - I don’t want to make her sick). My horse Irish likes dog biscuits as treats. And sometimes I give him frosted Mini-Wheats as treats. He also likes Doritos, hard candies, just about anything.
Michi, I hasten to add that we don’t FEED the cat Pop-Tarts. We just discovered his passion for them when the kids got old enough to want junk food and he tried to steal one from them. He’s over 15 years old and the only thing he’s allowed to eat is prescription low-protein food.
Sorry Michi, I didn’t mean to upset you, I know your a vet nurse and all. Like I said, I don’t normally feed my pets people food. My vets have warned me often about not doing that. I had bought a boneless turkey breast and we only ate about half of it, so my boyfriend cut the rest up into small pieces and instead of mixing the canned dogfood with the kibbles, he mixed chopped up turkey with a little gravy with the kibbles. I never give them chocolate or sweets.
I just felt good sharing my good fortune with my beloved pets. And, while my puppy did chew up all the aforementioned things, he never swallowed! He just needed to chew (despite having way too many doggie chew toys!).
Boscibo - Didn’t swallow, eh? I’m betting he experimented, but never inhaled, too.
I admit it - I give my animals people food. Not a lot, but some. I stay away from chocolate, of course. But my pets have all lived to a ripe old age with the diet that’s fed them, and I’ve never had a fat pet. I try never to give them poultry bones, or sharp bones of any kind. I do occasionally buy them joint bones. I think those are safer that rawhide (I once had a dog choke on a rawhide chip) or pigs ears (which my dogs eat up). And it make them happy. And me happy, when I watch them have a good time. Life is to be lived, for them and me. I shouldn’t eat hot-fudge sundaes, but sometimes I do. Same thing.
Well my dogs had just as good a Thanksgiving as I did - turkey, bread and a giblet gravy I made especially for them. I also have seen one dog eat onion just to keep the other dog from trying it. I had no idea that onions were toxic to animals? I know that I shouldn’t give the dogs chocolate and that I shouldn’t mess with their diet too much, but what else is harmful or deadly for dogs and cats? My dogs love anything with cheese or bread or tuna or pasta. Am I killing my babies? Help!! I will hold off on the organ meats I cooked for them until someone says something.
We have 2 cats, a big fat fluffy orange tabby named Pablo, and a sleek black half-siamese runt named Gus. Pablo just does not like people food. However, Gus will eat anything! The most bizarre would have to be Califlower. Instead of chips, we have fresh Califlower and veggie dip with our sandwiches for lunch. Well, as you probly know, it’s quite crumbly, so when the small bits of it fall on the floor, Gus doesn’t even hesitate to pounce on it. It’s actaully quite entertaining.
Disembodied Head, it’s Toto, and I do believe they’re called Scotties, they’re so adorable.
Boscibo, well, at least I can hope my puppy will do the same. He’s about 4 right now and he eats most stuff, I think the only thing he’s refused to eat recently is sushi. He sniffed it, carried it into the backyard and dropped it, then instead of eating it he just left it there. Sheesh! No appreciation of the nicer things in life. but he’s just a big lovable mutt, what could you expect?