Thankyou George W. Bush

Poor conservatives don’t know what to do. First, they had to wait to see what Obama did so they could take the opposite position, now they wait to see if the Egyptian revolution is positive so they can give credit to Bush, or negative so they can blame Obama.

So a war that adversely affected tens of millions was for the purposes of advancing a theory of government?

it’s all because the tides come in and go out. Gravity fits in somehow but i don’t really understand gravity, so I’ll just ignore it.

So it isn’t as windy in this thread as I thought it was? Hmf grmph.

Nice way to ride through on a hobby horse that has absolutely no bearing on this thread whatsoever.


Your incorrect use of the word “opinion” inspired another thread.

True, but I’m not addressing his domestic policies which quite frankly don’t impress me.

Well a lot of people blame Carter for not supporting the Shah in 79. Can we all not agree thart prior US administrations were responsible for the strength of the uprising of the Iranian people ?

I do not disagree.

With regard to the Iraq war.

Millions of Kurds are grateful. They have been liberated !!!

Do they not count ?

As far as I understand, the Iraqi government didn’t have any control over the Kurdish areas from well before the Iraq war, so arguably not. But that’s rather beside the point of the OP, eh?

?? You mean the 2010 one? I dunno. But that doesn’t say anything about this.

So, now we fought the Iraq War for the Kurds? Were these the same Kurdish tribes encouraged to rise up against the Hussain regime in the original Gulf War only to be abandoned to their fates?

Try again. Sooner or later you’ll
gibber out a rationalization that bears some vague association to reality.


The Shah was a tyrant whose notorious secret police, SAVAK, tortured and killed dissidents. I don’t care whose “side” he was on. American Presidents from Eisenhower through Carter (initially) were wrong to support him.

Democracy in Egypt. Big deal. I’m more impressed with how the Chinese government renounced communism and held open elections. In 2019. An event I am crediting with what Barack Obama is doing now.

Obama changes the future now, so it becomes history and can’t be changed back. That’s right, he’s that fucking good, bitches!

Of course, G.W. Bush deserves credit. His policy of non-regulation of the financial sector led to the collapse of world economy and the ensuing rise in food and energy prices which led to the upheavals in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere.

Similar to how you have to credit Hitler for the creation of the United Nations by exposing the weaknesses of the League of Nations, and also for the creation of the state of Israel in response to the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Unintended consequences and all that, and probably not what they had in mind when they pursued their policies, but it is only fair to give them credit where credit is due.

By the way, this is not an application of Godwin’s Law. I absolutely mean no comparison between Bush and Hitler beyond the fact that both sent in motion events that led to outcomes that were the complete antithesis of their motives. Hardly the only national leaders to have done so, and many more will as well.

What I cannot wait to see is how fast all the liberals praising Obama for the recent events in Egypt do a 180 and blame Bush if it turns out Egypt democratically elects a theologically-based government that makes Iran look like atheistic peace hippies.

In addition to erroneous uses of the word “opinion,” my other pet peeve in GD is people who argue bizarro-land scenarios in order to score cheap points. This thread is a double-jackpot!

Granted, you’re scoring cheap points off Hypothetical FutureWorld. But even so, they’re really stupid cheap points, given that the liberals I’ve heard have been excoriating Obama for not taking a firmer, and earlier, position alongside the protestors and against Mubarak.

You would actually look forward to Egypt turning into an oppressive theocracy, just to say “I told you so”?

And to give President Palin a country to bomb, of course.