That movie "Whipped" -SPOILER ALERT!

I just saw this movie and I felt cheated. I thought after the first half-hour it was a funny sex comedy from the man’s point of view (at last!). Instead, the ending is just the female character sying “Ha ha, I screwed those guys over the way all men screw over women.” WTF??! It wouldn’t have mattered if the characters hadn’t been developed into people worth caring about. But the male leads were actually well written and acted. I imagine most woman (and perhaps gay men) will think it’s still pretty funny, but straight guys who think about what this movie is saying will be depressed. It’s just so cynical and misanthropic.

Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

I’m just asking is all. It looks truly terrible and unfunny, and it wasn’t screened. Always a bad combination in my book. . . .

I like to see movies I know nothing about from time to time. It gets me out of my routine and expands my horizons.

Yeah, but geez. I mean, “Whipped”?

“The Tao of Steve”, “Tic Code”, “Better Living”, or “The Opportunists” are all out there this weekend (in limited release, I admit.) When I’m trying to see to expand my horizons, I don’t usually think “Sex Comedy.” Indie, zero-budget flicks, sure.

Ah yes, but you have proved why I want to know nothing about what I’m seeing. If I only go see movies I know fit some category, I miss out on the great movies that don’t fit that category. Ideally, I would know nothing but the title of the movie. That way I’d be sure to learn something new most of the time.

Hey, “Citizen Kane” wasn’t an indie flick.