That odd old (or newer) song

Do you like one?

Mine is I’ve got a girl in Kalamazoo
Only way I’ve heard it was ‘The Glenn Miller orchestra’
My Daddy was a Big Band enthusiast. He would belt that song out like he had a good voice.
I always loved to hear it.

My uncle used to love me but she died.
A chicken ain’t chicken 'til he’s licking good and fried.

Roger Miller was a funny guy.

My mind immediately jumped to this. Would I say I like it? Dunno. Once heard never forgotten, though. I don’t think I’ve heard it before today for… four decades? Maybe five.


A fun tune sung by Joni Mitchell:

That old favorite of Doctor Demento, Shaving Cream. Making up new lyrics to it is my go-to on long drives when there’s nothing worth listening to on the radio.

Someone will come along to say “Lambert, Hendricks and Ross.”

Growing up in a Christian Household we heard gospel music played on the radio those Sundays we didn’t go to church (and something seriously had to be going down for that to happen), or pop music during breakfast before school for reasons never explained. The music sounded almost alien, so some stuff got stuck, like “Cover of the Rolling Stone” by Dr. Hook.

My parents who were depression era kids had tons of old, silly(to me) songs that they’d bust out singing for no particular reason. The one I like / remember best is The Hut Sut Song

There was also Mairzy Doats (Mares eat oats)