That one roommate

When I was later in grad school I had roommates who would help themselves to my steaks, chicken breasts, and whatnot. Our lab grew out a whole bunch of chickens for an experiment, half control and half treated. At the end of the experiment, they needed to be sacrificed. A lot of my lab mates and me decided to take home the meat from the control group since it was perfectly fine and why waste it. However, I needed to transport it back home. I decided to use one of our radioactive waste bags.

Roommates were like: “What the hell is in the freezer!”

Me: “Oh, those are my chicken breasts.”

Roommates: “Why are they labeled radioactive?!”

Me: “Help yourself and find out.”

Kambuckta and Digs: A little while ago, I found out what he spent the rest of the money on – he got TWO cans of chili. Jeezus!

And since you asked, my son hates him. <sigh> It’s just, in this world that is so harsh for people who are poor or have maybe some emotional health issues going on, it doesn’t seem right to put somebody out on the street. Everybody has to live somewhere, and those who are obscenely wealthy are turning the screws tighter & tighter on all of us. Our buying power has been stagnant for decades. The rich just got TWO gigantic tax cuts. There but for the grace of god…

Still, you’re right. Both of those things are stealing; actually, three things. Four. The hamburger, the nuggets, the change from the $10 and MY GODDAMN OAMAHA STEAKS PULLED PORK.

God, if I had known that’s what the mystery meat was, it would’ve been all about some carnitas tacos!! Days ago!!

Man, I dread having to get in his face but I gotta.

Just curious here – I understand if you can’t tell me. But, uh, what was the hypothesis you were testing? Cause I love science, it’s all fascinating to me.

Basically, to see if injecting a steroid hormone into the eggs would improve growth and muscle composition in the adults. It didn’t.

dasmoocher: Thanks for answering! I can see where that’s a plausible hypothesis. And a potentially lucrative development if it had worked out.

You didn’t ask my opinion on chickens, but FWIW, chicken back in the day used to be so delicious. I really can’t find words to adequately describe the contrast to the taste of modern chicken. And I can’t help concluding that food seems to taste better if we leave it the heck alone.

That said, I am looking forward to vat-grown muscle tissue with no animal suffering involved. I doubt it could be more disappointing than present-day chicken, and it might be better!

You might find this interesting. They’re taking a different approach than lab-grown meat.

Impossible Foods:

The Impossible Burger I think is getting mixed reviews. I saw one where a vegetarian didn’t like because it tasted too much like beef compared to a veggie burger and other reviews were more meh.

If you lay down on the doorstep, don’t be surprised when people use you as a mat.

I know you didn’t ask for advice, but my mom’s rule when she was cooking for a mob of her children, two daughters-in-law, and dad’s sister plus her two kids:

You don’t like what I made for dinner? Well, you know where I keep the peanut butter and bread.

That’s nothing…
I have 3 roommates who I cook and clean for 24/7. I serve them 3 meals a day and all they do is complain about what I make, pick at it, ask for something else or don’t eat it because they hate tomatoes or onions or they’re not even hungry. And then…30 minutes later, they’re in the kitchen going through the fridge and making a meal for themselves because they’re starving to death!Then they leave their food-filled dishes all over the house and when I ask them to take them to the kitchen they just dump everything in the sink!

Whenever I check the fridge, the orange juice carton is empty, the milk has a sip left in the bottom and someone has unwrapped all the sliced cheese! There are no ice cubes in the tray and the ice cream carton has a used spoon in it. Then I go to the pantry, there’s an empty boxes of cookies, empty boxes of chocolate chips, empty bags that used to have bread, chocolate chips, marshmallows, etc…

These freeloaders haven’t EVER chipped in for groceries or rent … and my lawyer says I can’t evict the fuckers until they’re 18!

Yup. That was always the rule when our son was younger. You don’t have to like it, you don’t even have to eat it, but there isn’t anything else. Or, more succinctly, “This isn’t a bloody restaurant!”.

And now that the kids are grown, it’s “Your on your own for dinner. Leftovers in the fridge, or you can fry up the pork medallions I bought. But don’t touch the salmon, I’m grilling that tomorrow night.”

The kids learned to wash their own clothes and make their own lunches in grade school. They picked up cooking on their own (out of necessity, using cookbooks and YouTube).

I credit my wife’s hands-off approach with all the kids becoming strong, independent twenty-somethings.

Well, they aren’t going to change if you don’t create an incentive. And going hungry if you can’t learn to cook is the best incentive there is.

Though from the OP, the annoying room mate has no problem cooking his own meals. Just wants someone else to supply the ingredients for him.

I dunno, this level of eagerness to please everybody borders on being a pathology.

That’s a great story!

And your username adds another dimension.

Reading between the lines, I suspect there are some cultural issues going on here that play a factor. That still doesn’t excuse it.

I think it’s fantastic Brujaja is willing to be kind even in difficult circumstances, as long as she is willing to accept that occasionally this may veer into her being taken advantage of. We need more people like that.

I would at a minimum lay down some rules, and speak up when I felt taken advantage of, but I am not she and neither are those of you who question her willingness to live her life this way.

When my kids were home I fed them. I cooked and even cut their meat up til they could do it themselves. But, I made the menu, I shopped for the ingredients. I grew a garden, picked, shelled or peeled, washed and then cooked it. What was on the table is what their choices were. Occasionally we had an outlier who went on a one meal hunger strike. They gobbled the next meal down, I can tell you.
I explained to them many times, you cannot always have your way. This is not a restaurant, and I am the boss of you. No ice cream for breakfast. No cookies for lunch. You will eat this or starve. No kid ever died from missing one meal. It worked. They are all still alive.
The OPs problem is, she’s dealing with adults.
If they know she’ll do all the heavy lifting they are gonna lounge around while she does it. Throw a few bucks her way, that’s the easy part.
I wish I had a live-in cook.

Quoted for the truth and the Win.

Although I did do the “you can make yourself a sandwich or have cereal” thing, too, when I made stuff 2 out of 4 wouldn’t eat (liver and onions) or 3 of 4 would (1 stopped eating eggs as in fried or scrambled but had no problems when mixed in something like pancakes or meatloaf).

Well, by your actions you’re telling him that it’s so good to be that way that you’ll reward him with money and labor when he is that way, so by now it doesn’t take any nerve for him to be that way. If you want it to stop, you’ll have to stop rewarding him for taking advantage of you and pushing you around.