That stupid Miracle Whip ad.

My guess is that’s the hook. The group shown in the commercial isn’t the target audience.

Their target audience is middle agers who will identify with wanting to be rebellious and young. It’s exactly what the middle agers imagined themselves doing when they were young.

Notice that there’s nothing going on in that commercial that couldn’t be applied to the 60’s and 70’s.

Not as disgusting as Miracle Whip, though. Miracle Whip tastes like mayonnaise six months past its “best by” date. I know this from personal experience.

Somehow in the back of my mind I hear David Cross yelling, “Squagels! These aren’t your old man’s bagels!”

Miracle Whip gives you wings!

“A sandwich isn’t a sandwich without the tangy zip of the pus from boils on the devil’s ass!”

Nah, it doesn’t rhyme.

Moved from The BBQ Pit to Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.

Pit Moderator

On the corner from where I work, Miracle Whip covered a building three stories high with an ad saying, “WE WILL NOT TONE IT DOWN!!” I considered it visual assault.

Mercifully, the ad is gone now.

I never understood why MW is labeled “salad dressing”. Salad Dressing? Do people actually pour that vile goo on a salad? :confused:

I think they mean more like tuna, egg, chicken salads, rather than the definition of greens and veggies.

I wanted your sentence to end right there. A three-story building covered in Miracle Whip? COOL!!

The commercial annoys me, too. Aside from the fact that I dislike Miracle Whip (it just tastes like mayo that somebody dumped a cup of sugar into and left out in the sun for a few hours), I thought the whole commercial where everybody parties due to a sandwich condiment was stupid, especially with the “Hey! I’m unique, just like everyone here! I am defined by what I put on my sandwich and it. is. AWESOME!!!1!” theme.

Any young people I know pour hothothot hot sauce on things, and none of them would feel edgy putting Miracle Whip on stuff. No matter how loud those people on the commercial bray their defiance to the world, I mean…it’s Miracle Whip! It’s what gives that vat of potato salad from Walmart that unique CHEAP and artificial taste. Sorry, the young will remain indifferent to MW unless they find out a way to get high on it.

Didn’t Hellman’s mayo have a similar commercial a few years ago? Like a shaky home-movie thing featuring kids knocking themselves out running around like idiots, riding piggy back - all that energy for a commercial about mayonnaise???

When that commercial comes on, the kids and I start jumping around the room like we’re in a mosh pit screaming MAYONNAISE in death metal voices.

I’m not sure why, but we do…

I was under the impression it HAD wings…you know…like for those extra heavy sandwich days?

And made it acai-pomegranate flavoured.

EXTREME acai-pomegranate flavoured, that is.

(obligatory movie reference)

Have a happy BLT!

Point the first:
I love Miracle Whip and also Mayonnaise. I use MW more often because it’s lower calorie.

Point the second:
When I was in high school I worked in the kitchen of a retirement home. Folks who could no longer live on their own, and needed assistance in meals, laundry, cleaning, etc, but didn’t need high-level medical care.
Anywhoozles, when we would make potato or egg salad for these folks, we were always supposed to use half Miracle Whip half mayonnaise because full strength Miracle Whip was just too much for the elderly folks to handle.
This is 100% true.

Some people can only deal with so much tangy zip.

Mayo is disgusting. It’s one of those things that leaves me wondering what’s wrong with people.

I haven’t purchased MW in decades. Home made mayonnaise is so much better tasting, and it can be tweaked in many directions.