That's It We Obviously Need to Fuck More.

Says these rankings.

How can we be the best country in the world if we aren’t getting laid?? Go out there NOW and do your part.

I had better be seeing a lot of socks on doorknobs when I drive up and down the street in a few minutes.

Oh yeah… for the greater good…the line forms to my left. Be prepared, because daddy is going to pound down a few numbers for the good of our country.

Bring a jug of water and a towel. Oh yeah, condoms too.

Of course, if women in this category wish to come here, daddy won’t fight you.

Says these rankings.

How can we be the best country in the world if we aren’t getting laid?? Go out there NOW and do your part.

I had better be seeing a lot of socks on doorknobs when I drive up and down the street in a few minutes.

Oh yeah… for the greater good…the line forms to my left. Be prepared, because daddy is going to pound down a few numbers for the good of our country.

Bring a jug of water and a towel. Oh yeah, condoms too.

Of course, if women in this category wish to come here, daddy won’t fight you.

You must feel really strongly about the subject matter to post the thread twice!

Or did you just get so excited your refractory period disappeared?

Ba da bum!


We’re number 15, right under Slovenia, but on top of Israel.


Heh. My browser went “Internet Explorer does not respond” on me.

Apparently, I’ve given SO much attention to the ladies, my computer feels neglected. Screwing my laptop won’t help us get on the list, though.

We need flesh, blood…and boobs.

Gotta have boobs.

That’s right, Israel! You take it! We’re on top!

Who is your father and what does he do?

I’m willing to do my part to increase our stature in the wankings! Err, uh, RANKINGS, that is–ahem!

I’ve got the boobs, but boobs alone do not a sex act make–we need wieners and buns! Oh, and some people having sex, too! :eek:

Dammit, you’re absolutely right–I DO need to get laid… oh, sweetie? Could’ja come here for a minute? Mama needs you…

:wally :o :eek: :smiley: :wink:

Dude, did you just command the National Organization of Women to put out more?

You are in for a world of hurt.

He knows what he wrote :cool:

And so are they.

Yep, gonna lower the boom on the populace…cracks knuckles

So…um…you want in on this deal or not?

Mehem. What number do you have, darling?
Also, on topic…I think we need more grand orgie-…er…Dopefests.

I feel like such a traitor! I confess out of guilt. I am personally responsible for lowering the US average for years! (Sob weep cry) I want to reform! I really do! I need help!

Well then. Get liquored up, put money in the pockets of our local small businesses and root around like a whore with an itch that cannot be scratched.
…not THAT itch… the other one. No, NOT the communicable one.

Yeah…that’s it…right there…
…now sniff.

Jesus Christ, is it supposed to smell like corn chips?

Does that list mean we can call the French “fuckers” now and say it’s a compliment?
I kid, I kid, I’m a Frenchie (Canadian) myself…

I like the fact that we in the UK are drawing with Iceland, a country with considerably more darkness over the year.

New reputation for us Brits; Stiff upper-lip, reserved prudes? No! Prodigious day-fuckers!

Um. Wrong side.

This sounds like an illegal immigrant joke and I, sir, for one, will not stoop to such things. You must be referring to what we Americans call “high fructose snack triangles”.
I’m starting to sound like Stephen Colbert, dammit.

Since you brought it up, you’re in charge of pairing up all the single Dopers so we can all do our part.
Or are we including the kind of sex where a partner isn’t necessary?

Duplicate threads merged.

[ /Moderating ]