The 01011th Binary Summer Shotglass Exchange!

Okay, I said I’d wait longer, but I have all of tomorrow off, so this is a good time to get started. feppytweed, if I’m stepping on your toes, I’ll hand it over to you.

I guess this will be pretty much the same as previous exchanges. *** Please***, though, if you don’t think you’ll be able to actually send, don’t play. We want lots of players, but no orphans.:smiley:

Send me a PM with your username and real name and mailing address. If you are willing to send overseas, let me know that too. I’ll do my best to match everyone up fairly. A glass is all that’s required, but tucking in cute local stuff is also fun.

I have a special shelf where I have all the glasses I’ve collected in past exchanges. It’s fun! Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.

I’ll start doing matchups June 10th, to give folks a weekend to shop! So get your entry in by then.

Periodically, until then, I will post who has decided to play. If you’ve sent a PM and don’t see your username, let me know.


Yay, the first one!

I am in, PM sent.



In, PM sent.

In, sending PM

I’ve been waiting for this!! My single favorite thing on the dope!

PM will be sent shortly

So far we have seven players:

Sir T-Cups
Sicks Ate

IN for another go-round! However, I don’t need “local samples” of drinkables this year. :mad: :smack:

Thanks for your consideration.



I am in.

In so far

Atomic Mama
Sicks Ate
Sir T-Cups

I am in too!

Just over a week left to sign up!

In so far:

Atomic Mama
Sicks Ate
Sir T-Cups

One more bump.

Come on, people! It’s fun and you get neat shot glasses from all over. Sign up before it’s too late!

Okay, the PM’s have been sent. I sure hope I didn’t screw up. Let the shopping for the perfect glass begin.

We only had ten or so in this time, I hope I didn’t say or do something wrong. Any questions, get in contact with me.

Oh boy, I got a foreign address this time!

Just occurred to me to research customs issues shipping booze internationally…

There were two non-US addresses this time around. Some players said they will ship international, some did not indicate a willingness to do so. I did my best to match up addresses according to the wishes of the participants. I found that telling one player “Hey, you have ME, heh, heh” was kind of strange.

Bought the glass and some extras today! It will go in the mail Tuesday. I really wanted to send, as an extra, some fudge from my favorite chocolate shop here, but with the summer temperatures so high I thought it might get oogy.:frowning: