The ABSOLUTE creepiest movie

I had to try to watch that movie half a dozen times before I could actually make it through the whole thing. Wow. Yep, go for that one, definitely.

Add me onto the list for “The Vanishing,” Dutch version. It is creepy in the extreme. I could never have guessed the ending. I told my husband about the plot of the film, and even HEARING about it creeped him out, and he never wants to see the film, ever. This is one of his phobias.

And all this without gore, shock (except one), weird-looking people, etc. This is its strength, and it is stronger because it is true. Sociopaths look no different from you and me, and probably act no differently. Just look at Ted Bundy, Jeff Dahmer, or other serial killers. At no time did the sociopath in this film look or act abnormal, and therein lies the film’s horror. Way more effective, if you ask me, than guys with nails stuck in their heads, or automated dolls running around with knives.

10.0 on the creepy scale.

The grandaddy of them all! The one that launched a thousand vomit fests and caused the Catholic church to publicly denounce it - the one, the only, the uncut, uncensored version of---- THE EXORCIST.

Shallow grave was suspenseful nod to gravity

But what about Texas chainsaw massacre? If you can keep from laughing at the girl who just runs thru the woods banging into trees and getting her hair caught in the branches, the scene where the next victim is thrown into the room full of chopped up body parts and the furniture is made of arms & legs & stuff will definitely scare the shit out of you.

Also, a little bit older, Trilogy of Terror–staring Karen Black–the one with the murderous doll, and Black Sabbath–no Ozzie but I think Boris Karloff, black and white truly creepy

Psychological creepinesss:
The Silence of the Lambs

and I second the votes for:
The Shining (Wish they’d stayed truer to the book, though; especially in the end.)
The Thing
The Exorcist
Pumpkinhead (Hey, I need at least one cult classic type!)

Hill House? Hell House? I’m confused. But I think this is the movie I’m thinking of The Legend of Hell House There’s a lot of creepy banging and booming and other strange noises, a la “The Exorcist.”

The single most terrifying movie I’ve ever seen is “The Silence of the Lambs.” I sincerely tore the skin from hubbie’s arm, and I ain’t particularly skairdy. The book was also good, as well as the sequel, “Hannibal.”

I remember reading a review of Picnic at Hanging Rock by Roger Ebert years ago and have been on a low-grade search for it ever since. All I have near me is stupid Blockbuster, so I can never find anything good or artsy.

Me, I’m always up for an Ed Wood film, though! :wink: (See sig! :slight_smile:

A couple more:[list]
[li]If you are looking for disturbing movies, there aren’t too many more disturbing than Seven. Without giving too much away, don’t expect a happy ending.[/li][li]The Hitcher is one of my favorites. Rutger Hauer as a psychotic hitchhiker. [SPOILER (SORT OF)- READ NO FURTHER IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS MOVIE][/li].
I like The Hitcher because I think that what’s happening in this movie is similar to what was happening in Fight Club, only in The Hitcher, they don’t hit you over the head with it. You have to figure it out on your own.

Ok, so now you’ve all got me really wanting to see The Vanishing. I’ve found that it’s available through Movies unlimited, but they want $18.99 for it and, based on what all of you say, I’m not sure I want to spend $20 for a movie I wont have the guts to watch twice. None of my local video stores have it. Does anyone have a copy that they’d be willing to rent me?

Lucky, I don’t have it but do make sure you’re looking for the Dutch/French version, not the horrendous, boring, American (typical) remake.

I am surprised that none of your video stores has it - it isn’t that obscure a film. It was marketed here with an English name - The Vanishing - not under its original Dutch name. Did you look in the Foreign Film section? I’ve gotten it a couple of times at Blockbuster.

And it is way creepier than anything else mentioned here. It’s not scary - it’s creepy. The ending will make your skin shiver. It will probably take several seconds for it to dawn on you just what the hell is going on, and then you will probably have trouble sleeping for a few nights.

Undoubtedly one of the creepiest films ever:

10 Rillington Place

(emphasis mine)

Creepy because it’s a true story…(spoilers on true story page).

Absolutely. You’re left at the end thinking, “In L.A., there live people who let Joel Schumacher direct movies.” If that doesn’t shake your faith in the order of things, I don’t know what will.

As far as creepy movies, I have nothing to contribute that hasn’t been said already. I do want to go rent The Vanishing now, though.

Just a side note: The Exorcist is being re-released soon, digitally remastered, never before seen scenes… the whole deal. My theater got a couple trailers in the other week. I can’t wait.

This is an old movie about circus freaks where the actors really are actual circus freaks. I saw this in 1978 and one scene–where this guy who is just a torso and a head is moving across the ground with a knife in his mouth–is STILL stuck in my head. ::Shivers::

Oops, I forgot…I also agree with Spoke about The Hitcher being very good. This is not my genre, but I do know that The Hitcher scared the bejesus out of me.

Hey, I want my bejesus back!

Morgan Fairchild gets stalked by Andrew Stevens.

The creepy part for most people is where he follows her home and sneeks a peek at he naked outside in the spa/pool.

The creepiest part for me, though is every guy I’ve dated ends up telling me I look like her in that scene!
Like they’re ever going to see me skinnydipping!

Ok, many people have posted on this movie, specifically the Dutch original. I THINK I’ve seen the American remake with Keifer Sutherland and Sandra Bullock. Is this the movie where a guy buries someone alive? I didn’t find the American remake more than mildly disturbing, but many have said the original is something else. Why is that? What is “creepier” in the original? SHould I go see it? What should I expect?
Help, anyone?

Wow! This is it?!! REALLY?!! Man, my siblings and I have been trying to figure out the name of this movie for years!! Thanks so much SwimmingRiddles, for answering one of the two questions that have been plaguing my family since the day before never.

Now, if you can only answer the other one: The name of this song, an instrumental, that goes: “dee-dee-da-dee-da-da…”

Well, I told you it was tough… :smiley:

What about Dead Ringers where Jeremy Irons stars as identical twin gynaecologists? After I saw that, I told myself, “David Cronenberg is definately the most fucked-up person making movies today.”

If you go for Carnival of Souls, do not pick the recent version. Go for the old back and white one.

I second the nomination for Se7en. Also, I’d like to add Bad Lieutenant to the list. Some very, very disturbing scenes in that film.