The American Coup: 11.9.2020 -

Anyone want to predict the baseline for the over/under on how many congressmen get perp-walked by the FBI for actively collaborating with and assisting the seditionists?

Doesn’t surprise me at all. Insurrection is bad for his paymasters. And I imagine he loathes Trump personally. McConnell himself is pretty loathsome, but he’s smart enough to see through Trump’s bullshit.

The DC US attorney said today that people will be shocked when they learn what happened in the Capitol. Keep in mind, top congressional leaders have quite likely been briefed what they’ve found.

McConnell is not interested in the cultural grievances Trump brought to the table. No doubt he wished the party dumped Trump after the Access Hollywood tape scandal and propped Pence up. All the judicial appointments McConnell rammed through just needed a generic republican in the White House and a generic republican may have got more legislative accomplishments too.

I can’t see him having enough rubes to keep himself propped up, so I can only pray he’s still alive as he faces the prospect of option after option after option drying up. I want to see him incrementally locked in to a course of shabby gentiity penury if incarceration is not an opiton.

I was wondering how high this will go. I read a comment on WaPo about how everyone in Trump’s tent were singing and dancing after his 1/6 rally speech, and the commenter made the point that if they’re at a supposedly somber event, then why were they having a celebration? Because they possibly knew what was coming?

I am not into conspiracy theories, but I had to admit that sounded nearly plausible.

Nor rubles.

Yes, it does that. And ALSO protects the wearer.,9753,7-406-98158-547534--,00.html

LANSING, MI (Dec 15, 2020) – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is launching an initiative to not only get Michiganders to mask up, but to mask right.

“The science is now settled: Masks protect others from COVID – and they protect the wearer,” said Robert Gordon, MDHHS director.

There are lots of other sites that confirm this.

Once again, for the slow kids,

For the same reason so many other people have fallen victim to Trump. He has an uncanny and profound ability to fuck with their minds. Maybe unlike any other person in history. There will be books written on this subject for decades.

That’s a great poster. So many nice little extensions to the analogy, too:

  • When you’re wearing pants, don’t leave your dick hanging out.

  • Since everyone around is probably pissing in their pants, keep 6 feet away from them just in case.

Yeah, but the POINT is that the Republican shitballs who refuse to wear masks don’t give a flying fuck about other people. SHEESH, already.
(…Yeah, bit it protects the wearer, too. … Oh GOD!)

I think it likely Trump has a dacha waiting for him in southern Russia. Maybe it’ll have a guest house that a bunch of these asshats can stay in.

Not just a nearby representative, but a relative of one of the 10 first year students on my college residence floor.

It’s not even that. They think it’s all bullshit and those other people are stupid for wearing masks.


Donald Trump tomorrow sends out a notice that says:

“I hereby pardon anyone who participated in any and all events of January 6 at the Capitol building, as they were just trying to stop the election from being stolen from me. Further, I pardon anyone who helped these people associated with the events of January 6 at the Capitol building.”

Effectively, he pardons anyone and everyone who participated in the failed coup attempt that he himself started.

Sound kosher? All OK? Nothing can be done? Just don’t bother charging anyone and shut down any investigations?

We’re not supposed to say that out loud, because he is probably unaware of it, and there are only days left.

A House staffer was passing out masks while they were all sheltered and there are videos of House members and their staffs refusing to take them.

One theory I read somewhere today is that such a move would dramatically increase his own legal exposure, as evidence that he was complicit. The power to pardon himself is untested, and doesn’t apply to civil suits for wrongful death, or state crimes that may be inferred, etc.

I read a news story today that said that one of Trump’s advisors told him to think of OJ Simpson as regards civil liability if he is dumb enough to pardon himself. Trump is probably going to get sued out of existence anyhow but that would make it even worse for him.