The Apprentice -- 5/29/06

Just a reminder that even though it’s Memorial Day, it’s also Monday, and The Apprentice is on as usual.

Tonight, the guys each try to organize a charity event.

Place your bets now…

Anyone around? Or are y’all out barbecuing your brains out?

I’m around but only intermittenly watching. This Apprentice season has been very boring.

Oh, man, Lenny.

Lee, Lee, Lee.

Okay – my money is officially on Sean.

I forgot it was on–what have I missed?

Trump called Sean and Lee down to the Boardroom to tell them they were the finalists, and that they’d have to choose three people each from all contestants. When they got back to the suite, the contestants were all waiting for them.

Sean is going for competence, Lee is going for loyalty.

That was hilarious that Carolyn and Trump had no memory of Pepe. I didn’t remember him either.

That was funny that nobody remembered Pepe.

It’s weird that Lenny was insisting that Lee pick Pepe.

Well, duh, Lenny is trying to destroy Lee for purposes only known to the Russian mafia.

What the hell was Lee thinking in picking Lenny and Pepe? Lee is a :wally .

So, can Lee possibly be fucking things up this thorougly, or is this all about the editing?

Sean’s being badly edited also. Could he be less focused?

I don’t see how it can all be editing.

Lee’s first mistake was choosing Lenny. His second mistake: listening to Lenny!

If Lee comes out on top, I’ll be crazy impressed.

Why am I bolding these hamsters’ names like they’re Dopers?


God, could I possibly dislike Liz anymore? ‘Gimme ideas’ she says; she’s run the damn thing for five years, and she knows who the audience will be. Could she be any less helpful?

That said, Lee’s team is a joke, so I think he’s toast regardless, but still.

Lee is being given such a horrible edit that I guess it means he wins. Somehow.
What the hell is Lee thinking?

Trump: Why did you pick these people to be your team?

Sean: They have talents and abilities yadda yadda.

Lee: They like me. They really like me!
Pepe is an unknown quality to me, so he could actually turn out to be useful – perhaps even be the hero of the piece. The trouble with Lenny is that Lee melts into a gooey puddle of not-quite-erotic love at the mere sight of him. (Yes, yes, o wondrous big brother! I will do whatever you tell me to!) Roxanne…well, she’s a good follower.

As for that woman not helping Lee out with his planning, it’s likely that she has been instructed NOT to. The point is for him to show he can come up with and carry out a plan, not just follow along with whatever she’s done in the past.
Sean, OTOH, is thinking with, well, not exactly his brain. His little speech about how he’s going to get the job and the girl strikes me as ironic foreshadowing for him to lose both. And maybe be booted out of the country, too.

Poor, poor Lee. The moment he picked Lenny he was doomed. No, the moment he didn’t try to get the Barenaked Ladies gig away from Shaun, he was doomed. Or double doomed. I like hockey but I know a concert by a popular group is bound to be a bigger draw. He didn’t go for it because he likes Shaun too much. Darn Lee for his idealistic loyalties!

Now, unless he can pull a miracle out of his hat, smarmy ol’ Shaun will win. :frowning:

Yeah, that harridan’s evil. Fuckin’ jerk. It was like she was deliberately playing the hard-ass role. Isn’t the task hard enough without being an ass to the candidate as well?

That being said, the team didn’t look that sharp when they met with her the first time. Lee’s usually quite good at figuring out what the prioirities should be on a task - he doesn’t seem to be figuring it out just yet.

Sean, on the other hand, fucked up royally by choosing Tammy. He’s sprung over her and it is evident to everyone within a fifty-mile radius. I admit she’s pretty… what else? She sucked as a PM and was a minor member of the coven. I have no idea what she does so well. Andrea is a good choice but does not play well with others. Tarek was a solid choice.

Lee’s team is disastrous. Yeah, we get it, Lee loves Lenny and vice-versa. Lee really came into his own after Lenny left and now he reverts to Little Boy Lee. Lenny doesn’t have any allies; ergo Lee has no great allegiances. Pepe? Who the fuck is he? He got blasted and shitcanned before Brent! Not an impressive choice. Roxanne seems okay, but I’m not moved by her as of late.

Looks like Sean’s challenge is losing Andrea (what the fuck is wrong with her? Is it Ebola? Good Lord, she’s bleeding from all over!) and Lee’s is dealing with this crazy ball-breaking bitch. We’ll see…

I agree. Looks like the Andrea drama might really affect what goes on in the task. Seeing that Tarek has bristled a bit noting the Sean-Tammy lustfest, I think he’s gonna go loopy, Andrea is down for the count, and Sean will be forced to pull this out with Tammy - only to find that she really doesn’t bring much to the table!

Actually, I think this was brilliant. He took the less-appealing task to show he’s got the ability to… step up and execute any task, no matter how unappealing. Think about a group project at work, and the guy/gal who takes on the least-interesting part is sort of a hero for doing the hard bits… Watch Lee bring this up in the boardroom next week: “Mr. Trump, I took on the less-appealing task and made it rock because I have the ability to be flexible. Sean is stilted and unimaginative.”

I wish to hell they would keep stop trying to re-create the Troy-Kwame buddy-buddy lovefests. They tried it with Roxanne and the other girl when the both got figured last week, and it’s just grating as hell. I guess Sean and Tammy are Bill & Amy redux. This has been an interesting season, but will any Apprentice beat season one? Between Sam, Omarosa, Heidi, Katrina, the whole Bill/Amy and Troy/Kwame thing, I mean, will anything ever top that?