The Arizona recount--reactions?

So apparently the recount has become a major tourist attraction for Republicans from all over the country.

I think the Republican party is smart enough to not make accusations. It’s far easier to let Cyber Ninjas eventually make the allegations, and if they then get sued, well, the Cyber Ninjas are the ones subject to lawsuit, and until (and probably after) they are convicted in court, the Republicans can just say despite any ‘irregularities’ they are just reporting the facts that said company found Dominion machines were involved in the steal. Same way they are already playing. And by the time all the lawsuits play out, no one on the Republican side will care.

Although, if Cyber Ninjas are smart, they’ll claim that they found many irregularities, but the ‘lack of cooperation’ with powers that be and the confusion engendered by the multiple moves of documentation prevent them from providing any definitive proof. That way, they take their grossly overinflated pay and ‘donations,’ provide all the outrage the Republican party feeds on, and still don’t have to make any claims that subject them to legal jeopardy. Win-win-win from their POV.

“We found a great deal of evidence of fraud. No, we’re not going to reveal the specifics.”

Looks like Rachel, NV has competition

The Cyber Ninjas are an operative of the state Senate, who hired them.

Even if they’re an operative, they’re deniable, which has been a key part of the current Republican tactics. They can let sources that they aren’t directly liable for make claims, and then repeat the claims regardless of how libelous they may be, in that they’re just repeating what was being said, without commenting on the veracity of such claims. If Cyber Ninja’s get caught falsifying or otherwise manipulating info, they’ll just play the ‘how dare they mislead us’ card and still be in the clear.

Anyway, just came back to the thread to share -

So I truly, truly hope the County sues the Cyber Ninjas for the cost to replace. Honestly, I doubt the Senate will allow that to happen, or at least, they’ll pay for any lawsuits that come from an attempt to recover, but wanted to wish Maricopa County luck.

Here’s what the fraudit is costing Maricopa County: $3,000,000

And our dignity!

This isn’t even the end of it. The legislature is bringing in yet other machines because they want to count the total number of ballots again I read somewhere (maybe here). If I am understanding this properly- that is three separate sets of machines: the ones used in the election that must be decommissioned because of Cyber Ninjas, the replacement machines in this article, and the ones the legislature wants to bring in (from where I wonder?) to just count the number of ballots without tabulating any results.

I still believe the legislature will eventually start to steer into the skid and declare the 2020 election results - - - not fraudulent because they have constitutes who are not fully insane. (Not a huge majority of them, but a sizable portion of registered voters here get channels other than Newsmax and Fox.)

What surprises me most about the findings revealed at the hearings on July 15 was what they did not talk about. I kind of expected some variation of “we found more votes than voters” as with the finding more ballots received than sent out (they obviously counted the wrong things) and the “OMG, the machines might have been connected to the internet!” but, after all this time, they didn’t even give the result of their hand count. And, what about the examination of the paper used in the ballots for bamboo?

I thought the whole reason they needed the “Cyber Ninjas” on the job was because they thought that the tabulators from Dominion were somehow counting votes for Trump as votes for Biden. Wouldn’t the hand count reveal if that was the case? If the hand count agrees with the official count, doesn’t that make the whole strategy of attacking Dominion kind of misplaced?

As for their getting the numbers of ballots sent out and ballots received so totally wrong, that should put to bed any belief that these clown knew what they were doing. As for their conclusion that in order to determine whether any fraud took place they would have to go door-to-door and canvass (harass?) voters to find out who each citizen voted for, that is really going too far. If that is the only way, I’d have to say that there is nothing there to find out.

Looks like my prediction was dead-on.

From The Daily Kos:

As CBS News reports, Cyber Ninjas is now complaining that they “don’t have enough information” to complete the audit. Because getting to finger every single ballot, take control of the voting machines (which will now be discarded after the auditors did who knows what to them), and initiating a plan to go door-to-door asking people how they voted just isn’t enough. As has happened several times in the process, the Ninjas, along with supporters in the Arizona Senate, are directing fingers at the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors—the Republican-controlled Board of Supervisors—for failing to “cooperate” enough in an audit where they’ve turned over every ballot, every machine, and every scrap of paper related to the election. That’s not enough, say the Ninjas. They want … well, it might be easier to say what they don’t want.

Until they get everything on their unreasonable list, and whatever unreasonable list comes after this, the “auditors” insist that they are not going to issue a report. Since July 2, all the ballots, machines, and accoutrements of Ninjaing have been parked at an unairconditioned building on the Arizona state fairgrounds. It’s unclear whether anyone is actually working there.

Here’s the wonderful last paragraph of the CBS News story:

Meanwhile, a Maricopa County judge ruled Thursday that records about the audit are public documents under the state’s open records law, rejecting an argument by lawyers for the Senate that records maintained by Cyber Ninjas and other private firms do not need to be publicly released.

We were supposed to maintain records??!!

The documents reveal their donors.

The sheriff of Barry County, Michigan, which went for Individual 1 overwhelmingly, is trying to do his own private audit of the votes.

The report has been delayed.

The next excuse will be: “The report was all finished, and then the dog ate it.”

One of Biden’s dogs. Thanks, Joe!

Sad to share this, but one of Joe’s dogs died recently.

(Probably from eating that poisonous report.)

Seems we have two threads discussing this…

My guess will be that there will be three main points to the report.

  1. Numbers produced as the result of the audit were different from the official numbers (in the same way that the sums you get from your 3 grade son are different from those that you get from your accountant). Therefore the official numbers can’t be trusted.

  2. We couldn’t prove that fraud didn’t happen.

  3. We weren’t given the unrestricted access that we asked for there which hampered our ability to prove the fraud, which suggests that there was a coverup.