The bad thing about wimmins is...

I can’t believe I spelled vibrator wrong. I think my brain was all shook up when I posted that. :wink:

silo - Tell me your thoughts on toilet seats.

Oh LORD. If you’re disturbed by thing like mechanical incompetence & wussy driving, then don’t date girly-girls. As the posts to this topic have amply demonstrated, there are lots of us females who are NOT afraid of bugs, who do NOT pester y’all to ask for directions, who know our way around a toolbox, who prefer beer to foofy frozen drinks with names like the Wahini Martini, who do NOT need to resort to whimpering and emotional manipulation since we know the basic precepts of logic, who actually enjoy watching sports, etc. There are LOTS OF US! So quit hanging with the plastic sorority chick-types & take a chance on a tomboy. We’re often very attractive once you wash the axle grease off of us, you know…

Well I usually don’t have to lift the toilet seat because (ahem) I have good aim. However after quite a few beers my aim is a little shabby :stuck_out_tongue: so I lift the seat up and put it down when I’m done. Is that what you were asking about?

P.S. regarding toilet seats: at my house, if I have to go the bathroom & the toilet seat is up, I put it down. If my BF has to take a leak & the seat is down, he puts it up. We have yet to have a disagreement about this. Though we try to remember to close the lid altogether to keep the cat outta there…

Okay Silo, now you are getting me all hot and bothered. :slight_smile:

Just to clarify something - In spite of the fact that I can fix my car, build a deck, love sports, kill spiders, and kick some serious ass, I am also a froo-froo girly-girl who loves to wear flower print dresses, curl my hair, wear lipstick and heels, and be treated like a lady (hold the door for me, pull out my chair, send me roses. . . ). I also love matching, lace panties and bra and don’t even start me on my love for shopping!

I have an overstuffed mauve sofa and lace/ruffle curtains in my living room, fercryingoutloud!

In other words, I am capable of taking care of myself, but I really love being female.

Stella, do you pee at night in the dark?

And no wonder I don’t have a boyfriend. Only one male – from what I can tell - has expressed having any respect at all for women, in general.

Misogynists: do you feel the same way about your mother? Your sister? Your grandmother? What did they do to you that makes you resent women so much?

I don’t have a boyfriend because I’m waiting to meet a man who shows respect for my brain and is honest with me. Still waiting… Anyone? Bueller?

What is disturbing to me, is that the men in this thread could represent my dating pool. I would not spend five minutes with any of you, knowing that you feel this way about women.

Technichick and Diane have attempted to damage the stereotypes put forth by the men in this thread. Now, any other woman who wishes to chime in (Me Too! I fixed the toilet last week. Not because I nagged some man and he blew me off. Because I live alone and there’s nobody around to do things for me.) are now discredited, because it just sounds like we Wannabe.

I can read maps. I know the difference between East and South. I can grill. I can fix things. I can do all the things they can do and enjoy all the things they mentioned. So…

only THOSE women are worthy of respect? The ones whose sexual orientation is now suspect and under scrutiny? Some people thought Technichick was cool and she even got marraige proposals… others immediately accused her of being a lesbian. This is my dillema as well…

Let me get this straight: If I behave androgynously, I am worthy of respect. If I expect to be treated with respect because I am intelligent and independent and prefer to do things for myself, I am a nagging bitch?

The points brought up here are all about basic consideration skills and communication.

It makes me sad . . . I now intend spend the rest of my life alone because I don’t want to spend it with an asshole who treats me like a fucking bimbo.

I don’t think my last post was terribly coherent. Sorry. Struggling to sort out my thoughts.

I think my main point is this: I’m a great catch too. But I can’t seem to BUY a date. (I haven’t been asked out since January and that was a fix-up.) Why?

Simple: Many men SAY they want all those independent qualities that some of us have outlined above. In my experience, at the end of the day, most men do not really want us to be that way at all.

I’ve found that, when faced with me (emotionally and financially secure, smart, strong, funny, cute), many men are intimidated and feel too insecure to handle dating me. Dare I say, most haven’t had the balls to deal with it. Hmm…

Example: I was at an Indy Car raceo recently. I was raised at the race track and can talk about cars, engines and drivers all day long. (My dad raced motorcycles for 25 years and THEN taught ME how to drive! ;))

A well-known and noted “Ladies Man,” who is a friend of mine, took the opportunity to hit on me, flirt and basically became an octopus in the 30 minutes or so I spent talking to him.

Him: Wanna beer?
Me: No thanks. Just had one. There’s more in the car.
Him: Wanna [insert illegal substance]?
Me: No thanks. Just had one. Got my own.
Him: Wanna go take a walk and fool around behind the restrooms.
Me: OOOO. Romantic. No thanks. You’re married. You have kids. Not interested.
Him: Well I guess there isn’t any thing I can do for ya is there?
Me: Evidently not.

Case in point: If you behave in a whiny, needy, clingy manner, then many men will feel that they have some purpose in your life. People want to be needed. Strong independent intelligent women often remain single because they need men for the intangibles such as love, affection, trust and respect. Men want to give tangibles. Men want to be needed to open jars and kill bugs. I’m so used to doing for myself it would never occur to me to ask a SO to open the peanut butter.

I don’t give a damn if you leave the toilet seat up. I’m smart enough to check before I sit down. What will light me up is if you invite all your friends over for a football game, expect me to cook, feed them and entertain, and then refuse to listen to my opinion about why the quarterback called a stupid play. Don’t pooh-pooh me because I have ovaries and you think that means I’m not entitled to an opinion about football strategy. And don’t give me strange looks because I WANT to watch the game, or the race. (Especially if the Browns are playing!)

Yup, I sure do pee at night, but my bathroom isn’t so dark that I can’t see if the seat is down or up.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Enough of the implications!

My bathroom is very dark.

When I get up in the middle of the night I am not awake or coherent, I just need to pee bad enough to leave my comfy bed.

I don’t turn on the light because it hurts my eyes. Hell, sometimes I don’t even open my eyes.

I am NOT going to feel around to see if the seat is down as I don’t want to touch the rim that may or may not have pee drips.

I am having a hard time believing that any woman who has lived with a man (or had one sleep over) who isn’t courteous enough to lover the seat (“seat” is the key word here) and got up to pee in the middle of the night, has not had the fabulous experience of falling into the cold water.

(Silo, if what you said in the past is true, you understand exactly what I am trying to say about falling into the cold water when going pee, right? ;))

Would you like an ice cold drink? - You seem pretty hot. :wink:

:Silo wipes the steam off his monitor:

No, just come over and play with my seat. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Diane *

[Silo: nods] :wink:

Ok, you don’t mind if I lift it up and down for a few hours. <hehe>

Diane, I think that we have completely identified the problem here. If the guys you bring home are trying the hump the toilet seat instead of your seat, you’ve simply got to upgrade deary.

walks into bathroom… starts peeing on toilet seat.
(15 minutes later)
“Ahhhh… only ONCE a day.”
cracks another beer

“How you doin’” -winks-