The Belles of St.Trinian's

As Alsitair Simm, in his capacity as Headmistress Miss Millicent Fitton, put it: “Most schools merely teach their girls and send them out, unprepared into a merciless world. But when our girls leave here, it is the merciless world that has to be prepared”…I can see him/her saying it now. Damn!

Anyway, I’ve never seen a thread on this slightly naughty series of British film so here we go…

The sublime Joyce Grenfell’s unrequited love as Police Sergeant Ruby Gates, Beryl Reid and Irene Handl (Miss Harker-Parker) as Mistress’s, George Cole as the Cockney Spiv Flash Harry, Terry Thomas as the owner of the bus company, Lionel Jeffries as all things dodgy. Then there was Culpepper-Brown, Professor Canford and the John Le Mesurier character, all from the Ministry…the list goes on. Sublime, each and every one of you.

And finally there were the girls and the school uniforms…oddly, they look even more engaging as time goes by…

There was a time in my callow youth when no Sunday afternoon would be complete without a teevee showing of one of these classic Brit comedies…anyone else remember them with such deep affection ?

The films were classics. They were inspired by the wicked cartoons of Ronald Searle…

I Googled and found a few here.
