The best photoshop learning material?

I have photoshop CS3 (and CS2) and I was wondering what the best resources for teaching myself would be? Preferably books. Thanks a lot.

I have this book, well I have the version for CS2 but it’s by the same guy.

I love it.

I have a bunch and I think the best one is: How to Learn Adobe Photoshop 7, by Daniel Giordan. I believe he wrote one for CS2 also, but you could certainly just use the “7” one if that’s what you could find. I haven’t see the CS2 one and don’t know if it’s just an updated version or written totally differently.

Thanks for the tips! Ill look into those.

Well, you asked for books, but I’ve found the instructional videos on incredibly helpful; guess it helps me to see things in action. You can watch some of the videos for free to see if it’s up your alley:

Since the OP is looking for informed opinions, let’s visit IMHO.

samclem GQ moderator

You suck at Photoshop!

All these recommendations are much appreciated!